12. Remove the snap ring securing the water pump drive
gear; then remove the gear noting the direction of the
sides of the gear for installing purposes. Account for
the drive gear alignment pin.
13. Remove the snap ring securing the water pump
driven gear; then remove the gear noting the direc-
tion of the sides of the gear for installing purposes.
Account for the driven gear alignment pin.
NOTE: There is an oil passage beneath the driven
gear/drive gear assembly. This passage should be
plugged prior to removing the driven gear and drive
gear. Failure to do so could result in the loss of an
alignment pin into the crankcase.
14. Remove the shift shaft noting the timing marks for
assembling purposes. Account for two washers.
15. Remove the gear shift cam plate and account for a
washer; then remove the cam stopper and cam stop-
per spring. Account for two washers.
Servicing Left-Side
1. Place the starter clutch gear onto the rotor/flywheel
and attempt to rotate the starter clutch gear clock-
wise. It should lock up to the rotor/flywheel. Rotate
the gear counterclockwise and it should turn freely.
If it moves or locks up both ways, the starter clutch
must be replaced.
2. Inspect the starter clutch gear for chipped or missing
teeth or discoloration/scoring of the clutch surface.
Inspect the bearing for loose, worn, or discolored
rollers. If bearing is damaged, it must be replaced.
3. Inspect the one-way bearing for chipped surfaces,
missing rollers, or discoloration. If any of the above
conditions exist, replace the starter clutch assembly.