1. Inspect the fuel screen and clean with low pressure
compressed air.
2. Move the float lever and check for free movement.
The float assembly should drop to the “empty”
position when the fuel level sensor is held verti-
cally. If there is binding or sticking, replace the
fuel level sensor.
3. Test the fuel level sensor by connecting a multime-
ter (A) to the fuel level sensor connector (B); then
select OHMS on the multimeter. The multimeter
should read 5 ohms of resistance at “full fuel”
position (C) and 95 ohms at the “empty fuel” posi-
tion (D).
NOTE: If readings are erratic, clean the resistor
wiper and resistor with a clean cloth soaked with
alcohol and retest. If the readings shown are not
as specified, replace the fuel level sensor assem-
1. Using a new seal, place the fuel level sensor into
position in the gas tank; then secure the fuel level
sensor mounting plate. Tighten the four torx-head
machine screws securely.
2. Connect the fuel level sensor connector to the
main harness; then install the gasline hose and
secure with the clamp.
3. Install the right-side seat-base; then install the cen-
ter console and seats making sure the seats lock
securely into place.
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