1. Remove the radiator cap; then remove the water
pump drain and drain the coolant.
2. Drain the oil from the engine/transmission.
3. Remove the four torx-head cap screws securing the
front and rear fenders to the footrest; then remove the
four cap screws securing the footrest to the frame.
Remove the footrest.
4. Loosen the hose clamps and slide the clamps away
from the hose ends approximately 2 in.; then remove
the hoses from the water pump.
5. Remove the four cap screws securing the water
pump to the engine; then remove the water pump.
1. Secure the water pump to the engine with the four
cap screws tightened to 8 ft-lb.
2. Connect the coolant hoses to the water pump and
secure with the clamps. Tighten securely.
3. Place the footrest into position on the frame and
loosely secure with four cap screws; then secure the
front and rear fenders to the footrest with the four
torx-head cap screws. Tighten the four torx-head cap
screws securely; then tighten the remaining cap
screws to 20 ft-lb.
4. Fill the engine/transmission with the proper amount
of recommended oil.
5. Fill the cooling system with the proper amount of
recommended coolant.
Electric Fuel Pump/Fuel
Level Sensor
NOTE: Preliminary checks may be performed on
this component using the diagnostic mode on the
LCD gauge (see EFI Diagnostic System in the Electri-
cal System section).
The electric fuel pump and fuel level sensor are not ser-
viceable components. If either component fails, it must
be replaced.
1. Turn the ignition switch ON and listen for a momen-
tary “whirring” sound of the pump building pressure.
If the sound is heard (10 seconds), no electrical
checks are necessary. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
Whenever any maintenance or inspection is made on
the fuel system during which there may be fuel leakage,
there should be no welding, smoking, open flames, etc.,
in the area.
Prior to removing the electric fuel pump, the following
check should be performed to determine that removal is