2. Using an ohmmeter, the following readings must be
observed (± 5%).
VOLTAGE (Drive Select)
NOTE: Voltage tests must be made with the switch
and the actuator connected. The meter can be con-
nected at the actuator connector using a break-out
harness or MaxiClips.
1. Connect the black tester lead to the black wire; then
turn the ignition switch to the ON position.
2. Select the DC Volts position on the tester and
observe the meter readings for each of the three
switch positions.
NOTE: If the meter does not show voltages accord-
ing to the chart, make sure the front drive actuator is
plugged in; then troubleshoot the switch, ignition
fuses, battery connections, or wiring harness.
NOTE: If the meter does not show 0 DC volts, rock
the vehicle to help engage the differential lock; then
troubleshoot the drive select switch.
VOLTAGE (Reverse Override)
NOTE: To perform the following tests, the ignition
switch must be in the ON position and the transmis-
sion shifted into reverse gear.
1. Connect the red meter lead to the red/green wire and
the black meter lead to a suitable ground; then select
2WD on the drive select switch. The meter will typi-
cally show battery voltage.
2. Depress the reverse override switch. The meter must
show less than 1 DC volt.
3. Select 4WD on the drive select switch. The meter
will typically show battery voltage.
4. Depress the reverse override switch. The meter must
show less than 1 DC volt.
Fan Motor
NOTE: To determine if the fan motor is good, con-
nect the red wire from the fan connector to a 12 volt
battery; then connect the black wire from the fan con-
nector to ground. The fan should operate.
NOTE: Fan motor resistance checks are not recom-
mended. Resistance values change with the motor
commutator position.
VOLTAGE (Headlights)
The connectors are the two 3-prong ones secured to the
headlight assemblies (one on each side).
1. Set the meter selector to the DC Voltage position.
2. Set the light switch to the correct position for the
affected light; then connect the black tester lead to
the black wire using a MaxiClip.
3. Connect the red tester lead to the yellow/black wire
(high beam) or white wire (low beam) using a Maxi-
Clip. The meter must show battery voltage.
NOTE: If battery voltage is not shown in any test,
inspect the LIGHTS fuse on the power distribution
module, headlight switch, ignition switch, switch con-
nectors, or wiring harness.
A to D <1 ohm
A to D <1 ohm
A to D <1 ohm
C to E 48 ohms
C to E 48 ohms
C to E 48 ohms
A to B Open
A to B <1 ohm
A to B <1 ohm
A to C Open
A to C Open
A to C 48 ohms
A to E Open
A to E Open
A to C <1 ohm
Red to Orange 12.0 DC Volts 12.0 DC Volts
12.0 DC Volts
Red to
11.5 DC Volts
0 DC Volts
0 DC Volts
Red to
11.5 DC Volts 11.5 DC Volts
0 DC Volts
This component can be tested using the CATT II. Utilize
the Test screen.
Care should be taken to keep clear of the fan blades.