3. Remove the oil bolt and brakelight switch securing
the banjo-fittings to the master cylinder; then remove
the master cylinder. Discard the crush washers.
1. Inspect the master cylinder push rod and clevis for
wear, bending, or elongation of clevis holes.
2. Inspect the push rod boot for tears or deterioration.
3. Inspect the reservoir for cracks and leakage.
4. Inspect the brake hose for cracks and deterioration
and the condition of the banjo-fittings.
1. Place the master cylinder into position; then using
new crush washers, secure the banjo-fitting and
brakelight switch to the master cylinder. Tighten to
20 ft-lb.
2. Secure the master cylinder assembly to the frame
with two cap screws. Tighten to 25 ft-lb.
3. Install the pivot pin and secure with a new cotter pin.
4. Fill the master cylinder and bleed the brake system
(see Hydraulic Brake System in Periodic Mainte-
Brake fluid is highly corrosive. Do not spill brake fluid
on any surface of the vehicle.