Galvanized Gas Spreader
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the conveyor. A single V-belt connects Engine and gear box, and the gear box with the spinner
shaft (picture 6, 14 & 15).
The amount of sand and/or salt that is discharged is dependant on two factors. One is the engine
RPM which is controlled by a throttle. An increase in engine RPM not only increases the
discharge rate but the width of spread pattern as well. The other factor that affects the discharge
rate, is the gate opening. Obviously, as the size of the opening increases so will the discharge
rate. A cab mounted switch activates the electric throttle, starter and clutch.
Spreader Installation
The AG6 spreader is designed for installation in a 6'/8' pickup truck bed. The AG8 is designed
for installation in an 8’ pickup truck bed. The AG10 spreader is designed for 10' dump truck or
flat deck truck. Follow the steps below to install your unit in your vehicle.
Slide spreader into position and secure with the ratchet straps into the cargo tie downs of the
truck (pictures # 3 and #4)
Bolt mounting angle bracket to spreader, then bolt it to the back of the truck using ½" bolt.
(Picture #2)
Install the sand chute using the required pivoting/fastening components. (Picture #12)
Assemble the spinner assembly (split shafts), as shown in the assembly drawing in this
manual, using the appropriate components. (Picture #5, 11 and 12)
Position the spinner disc at the desired height and tighten set screws.
You may change the spinner disc height. Using the hole in the spinner disc hub as a guide, drill a
hole through the shaft, for the mounting bolt. Cut off any excess length from the shaft and install
the spinner disc.
Position spinner shaft so it is sitting true (vertical and horizontal) with enough tension on the
spinner belt. (Picture #5 & 6).
Check that belts are aligned on the pulleys (pictures #6, 14, 15) and adjust (if necessary).
Apply grease to: split shaft assembly nipples (picture #5), Spinner shaft bearings (picture
#11), drive bearing (picture #7 & 12), idler bearings (picture #8).
Note: Liberally spread grease on the apron chain tensioning bolts (picture #8) to allow for easy
tightening at a later date.
Check and add Oil before Starting and Running (motors are shipped with a minimal amount of
oil in them) Briggs and Stratton Require SAE 30, Honda requires 5W30.
Protect wiring harness from rubbing on sharp / hot surfaces. Use loom and zip ties where ever
possible (picture #2 & 9).