PRO-88msn multipurpose sensor
The PRO-88msn multipurpose sensor can run in three different modes:
Measuring analog signals, for example Voltage logging
Counting pulses, for example counting visitors
3). Open or Close detector, for example an door open or
closed detector
Reset the pulse counter
The measurement data is transferred wirelessly to the multilogger receiver,
that enables data storage, inspection and further processing with our Multilog-
ger Software.
Analog measurement (mode 1)
In the analog measurement mode, the device measures and displays an ana-
log signal on its external connector in the range of 0 - 2.046 V, with a resolu-
tion of 2 mV. The voltage measurement range can simplybe modified with a
simple resistor network.
The signal is sampled every second and the value is updated on its LCD. The
measurement data is broadcast about every 45 seconds.
Open or Close detector (mode 2)
When the device mode is set to ‘open or closed detector’, the sensor will count
the elapsed seconds since the (door) switch was set open. When the (door)
switch is closed before the duration threshold, no alarm status is given, but the
counting will remain up till a 1000 seconds. When the (door) switch is left open
and a period of more than the duration threshold elapses, an alarm status is
set, and the elapsed seconds counting will continue up till a 1000 seconds.
The counted seconds is transmitted to the multilogger receiver and processed
by the Multilogger Software;
Nnegatively signed when no alarm status is set Positively signed when an
alarm status is set. The multilogger system can deduce from this data when
the door (switch) was set open, and if an alarm condition was set. In that case,
further action can be undertaken by the messenger system, like sending an
Email or SMS message.