Section 16: Canopy and Decal Installation
Step 4
Apply a bead of RCZ56 Canopy Glue (ZINJ5007)
around the inside edge of the canopy. Position the
canopy onto the hatch. Use tape to hold the canopy
secure until the glue fully cures.
Step 5
Apply the decals. Use the photos on the box to aid
in their location.
Step 6
Use Lexan ® scissors to trim the radiators. Use
Zap-A-Dap-A-Goo to glue the radiators into position
on the wing.
Adjusting the Engine
Step 1
Completely read the instructions included with your
engine and follow the recommended break-in procedure.
Step 2
At the field, adjust the engine to a slightly rich setting at
full throttle and adjust the idle and low-speed needle so
that a consistent idle is achieved.
Step 3
Before you fly, be sure that your engine idles reliably,
transitions and runs at all throttle settings. Only
when this is achieved should any plane be considered
ready for flight.