ARG-TX900BP is authorized by rule under the Low Power Radio Service (47 C.F.R. part 95) and
must not cause harmful interference to TV reception or United States Navy SPASUR installations.
You do NOT need an FCC license to operate this transmitter.
This transmitter may only be used to provide: auditory assistance to persons with disabilities;
persons who require language translation; or persons in educational settings; healthcare service
settings; healthcare services to the ill; law enforcement tracking services under agreement
with a law enforcement agency; or automated maritime telecommunications systems (AMTS)
uses not mentioned above are expressly prohibited.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
Audio Resource Group, Inc.
440 Ramsland Ave
Hannaford, ND 58448
Page 12
network control communications. Two-way voice communications and all other types
Audio Resource Group: 900MHz Talk & Listen
Systems Master Manual OM-027