User’s Manual
Entering Information
To enter information:
Use the keypad
Use the keyboard input panel (soft keyboard) to enter text.
Scan bar code data into data fields.
Use left /right side key
Use Microsoft ActiveSync to synchronize or copy information from the host
computer to the PT-9X30/PA-100. For more information on ActiveSync, refer to
Chapter 7.
Entering Information Using a Keypad
The alphanumeric keypads produce the 26-character alphabet (A-Z), number s (0-9), function
keys and assorted characters. The keypads default characters/functions are printed white.
Entering Information Using the Keyboard Input Panel
Use the keyboard input panel (soft keyboard) to enter information in any program. To launch
the keyboard input panel, press the button on the taskbar. Tap a key to enter a value. Tap a
key board input panel button to display or hide the keyboard input panel.
Figure 3-6 Soft Keyboard
Entering Data via the Bar Code Scanner
The sample bar code scanner application scans data into data fields in the same way data is
entered via the keypad.