4.User Instruction
Introduction of OSD in flight mode:
The reference of distance away from home (up) and current full range (down)
The reference of current (not used), current battery level (power storage) and voltage of battery.
The reference of relative speed between airplane and ground.
The reference of health value of autopilot, please ensure it is over 70 while the airplane is the air.
The reference of number of satellites connected by GPS receiver, if it is less than 7, please do not fly
the airplane.
The reference of flight duration, this value will not change unless the throttle is opened.
The reference of GPS alert or longitude and latitude (it can be hidden in OSD)
The reference of orientation of the airplane (electronic compass)
The reference of Flight Mode
The reference of orientation of airplane. It is the flying direction of a person in the airplane from one
place to HOME.
The reference of current roll and pitch value;
The reference of current altitude relate to HOME;
The reference of control value
The dotted lines indicate horizon. It is like the ground showed in the eyes of a person in the airplane.
The relative location between the airplane and HOME can be defined in the map of the central part. It
is subject to absolute coordinate system in which upside indicates North and right side indicates East.
The origin stands for HOME and the arrow stands for airplane. The orientation of the arrow means the
orientation of the airplane. In the photo, the airplane is located at 10 degree of Southwest of HOME
and it is flying to North.
Adjust gravity center
There is a groove in the belly of the airplane as area indicated by the arrows. There is a wider wood plate
in its front side and narrower wood plate in its back side. The area between the two wood plates is the location
of gravity center. For new users it is recommended to make the central part thereof as gravity center, which is
better for stability. Please check its location before flying.
The gravity center can be changed by adjusting
location of batteries or increasing weight.