Camera image setting
Clicking the Image tab and then adjust the following sliders to change the camera image:
1. Click Image Adjust button.
2. Bright: move the Brightness slider bar to the right or left to adjust the brightness.
3. Contrast: move the Contrast slider bar to the right or left to adjust the lighting difference
between dark and light areas of the image.
4. Saturation: move the Saturation slider bar to the right or left to adjust the overall color
intensity of the image.
5. Hue: move the Hue slider bar to the right or left to adjust the color cast of the image.
6. Sharpness: move the Sharpness slider bar to the right or left to adjust the edge contrast of
the image.
7. Click Submit button to save your changes to IP camera.
Click Default button to reset it to IP camera’s default.
9. Click Reset button to reset the related modifications or Click Return button to return to
previous page.
10. Click Apply button to apply the change or click Cancel button to cancel the change.