Digital magnifying glass
Digital magnifying glass allows you to zoom part of the video stream and enlarge it to display on
the camera view window. Click and drag a highlight rectangle over a grid, move the rectangle to
a interesting area using mouse and scroll the mouse wheel forward to zoom in and backward to
zoom out. Right clicking on this grid will terminate the digital magnifying procedure.
Event panel
Event panel shows latest events from the NVR or its connected IP cameras, with their status,
type, date/time, camera name, description and device IP information. New events are constantly
appended to the top of the list and old events will be removed from the list.
Alarm happen and still exist
Alarm happen but disappeared
Currently supported event types include video motion, digital input, camera disconnected, video
loss, storage full, hard disk failure, abnormal recording, backup failure, system boot-up, system
shutdown and system configuration changed events.