Add a network I/O module
1. Click Add button.
2. Select Model of network I/O module from the drop-down menu.
3. Specify the IP Address for network I/O module.
4. Specify the Din port (default is 103) and Dout port (default is 102).
5. Specify the name and NC/NO connection for each digital input device.(blue LED stand for
normal status, red LED stand for abnormal status)
6. Specify the name for each relay output device and click ON/OFF button to turn on/turn off
relay output device. (blue LED stand for turn off, red LED stand for turn on)
7. Click Apply button to apply the change to DIO List or click Cancel button to cancel the
Modify a network I/O module
1. Select a network I/O module on the DIO List column.
2. Click Modify button
3. Modify the DIO Info column setting.
4. Click Apply button to apply the change to DIO List or click Cancel button to cancel the change