All recommendations for the application of Armstrong
Humidifiers are based on tests and field experience.
However, they are based on duct air velocities and
temperatures that are most commonly encountered, and the
recommendations may have to be modified when velocities
are very high and/or temperatures unusually low. We also
reserve the right to modify recommendations without notice
if subsequent tests or experience indicate that a change
should be made. For these reasons, we urge that you check
all applications with your Armstrong Representative before
Do’s and Don’ts of Humidifier Location and Installation
The 9000 & 1000 Series must always be perpendicular to the floor!
Fig. 3-1. Always select the steam
distribution manifold length that will span
the maximum width of duct.
Fig. 3-5. Whenever possible, install
distribution manifold downstream from
coils. If more than 3' of distance between
manifold and coil on upstream side is
available, it is permissible to install at this
Fig. 3-9. When it is necessary to place
humidifier discharge into a “packaged”
multi-zone air handling system, install
distribution manifold into center of
air flow
and as close to fan discharge as
Fig. 3-10. Always install distribution
manifold as far upstream from a discharge
air grille as possible—never less than 3'.
This also applies to elbows, splits,
transitions, ducts, etc.
Fig. 3-11. Dispersion manifold should
never be placed within 3' of an air fan
intake. The desirable location would be at
the fan discharge.
Fig. 3-12. Do not install manifold closer
than 5' upstream of temperature controller.
Fig. 3-6. Do not restrict air flow in ducts 8"
or less in depth. Utilize an expanded
Fig. 3-7. Do not install the distribution
manifold less than 10' upstream from a
high efficiency filter. Locate high limit duct
humidity controller immediately upstream
from the filter.
Fig. 3-8. When it is necessary to place
humidifiers in coil section
of fan,
locate manifold in most active air flow and
as far upstream from fan inlet as possible.
Fig. 3-2. When possible, install the steam
distribution manifold into the center of duct.
Fig. 3-3. Manifold should never be
installed vertically downward from control
valve. This presents a condensate
drainage problem in the jacket of the
manifold. Vertically upward installation is
Fig. 3-4. Always size and install dispersion
manifold to span the widest dimension of
the duct section.