Rela�ve humidity is the amount of water vapour in the air and it is commonly
expressed as a percentage of the maximum amount of water vapour that the air can
hold at a given temperature. A comfortable %RH level is commonly considered to be
between 40-60 %RH.
Dehumidifica�on Modes
This feature is designed for opera�ng the device in three op�onal dehumidifica�on
modes: Auto, Con�nuous, and Laundry. By repeatedly pressing the desired
mode can be selected.
Auto Mode:
In this mode, both desired humidity and fan speed can be
selected, and the device will operate automa�cally to maintain the desired
Con�nuous Mode:
In this mode, the device operates in low fan speed and
humidity level cannot be selected. It will con�nue opera�on �ll its manual
turn OFF.
Laundry Mode:
In this mode, the device operates in high fan speed and
humidity level cannot be selected. This mode assists on fast drying of wet
cloths hanging indoor and wet carpets.
Real-Time Humidity Level Control
This op�on helps adjus�ng humidity level (Rela�ve Humidity %RH) and controls
dehumidifica�on to maintain pre-set humidity levels.
To manually adjust the humidity level, scroll your finger le� or right on the Humidity
Level bar un�l the desired level flashes and then illumina�ng on the display panel.
Humidity Level (%RH)
Only Air Purifier Func�on
This feature turns the device into an air purifying only mode to clean and fresh the air.
By pressing bu�on, the dehumidifica�on func�on will be stopped.
Power Bu�on
Press for turning ON or OFF the dehumidifier.