3645A Programmable Power Supply
2.3.5 Recall data function
In the last paragraph, we know that we can store 10 sets of data of the power supply in the
memory. Also you can recall any one set data from the stored data. It means that you needn’t
to set up again for the usually requirement, and it bring your much ease to use. Users can
recall one set of the date from the stored date sets, including set up of 1) Voltage value; 2)
Current value; 3) Maximum voltage; 4) Locked/unlocked key board; 5) Maximum power ; 6)
Baud rate; 7) Communication address.
The recall operation is as following
Procedure The operation Methods LCD display
Step 1
Press “Recall” button 0.000V 0.00A
0.00W OFF
Step 2
Enter the password ( Or jump to step 4 if the keyboard ENTER PASSWORD
is unlocked)
Step 3
Press “Enter” button ( it will return to step 2 if your ENTER PASSWORD
password is wrong for reentering) 1234
Step 4 Enter the number of the set data which you want to recall RECALL 1
(from 1 to 10) by using the number key or rotate the
rotary button to change the number you want recall
Step 5
Press “Recall” button to confirm , if the number is out of RECALL *
the range from 1 to 10, it will retune to Step 2 for reenter
It will exit the Recall operation at any procedure by press ESC button