ra C
To check for defective and dead pixels:
Connect the camera signal output (
SDI output) to a suitable HD display.
Start the mirror shutter if it is not running.
Put a lens cap on the camera lens.
Set the contrast characteristic (video
menu) to the highest EI value.
If no colored bright pixels appear, take the lens cap off.
Point the camera at a homogeneously lit, neutral grey
surface that covers the full output image and defocus
the lens or put a diffuse white glass plate in front of
the lens and point the camera into a light source.
Adjust iris or lighting so the output video level
reaches 40 to 50% on a connected waveform monitor
or in the RGB-Histogram from the OSD Tools.
If no colored bright pixels appear, set the contrast
characteristic (video menu) to an EI value of 250.
With the camera still pointing at the same target,
adjust iris or lighting so the output video level
reaches 60 to 70% on a connected waveform
monitor or the OSD RGB-Histogram.
If no dark pixels or spots with a green color cast
appear, the camera is ready for shooting.
If defective or dead pixels do appear, the camera’s
defective/dead pixel map has to be updated.
Note: When checking for cluster pixel failures, it is
recommended to use a display providing a pixel-
to-pixel output. When the full 4:3 sensor aperture
is used, short sequences should be captured and
processed for each step to provide a pixel-to-
pixel display of the camera’s output. Using the
preview output of an ARRIRAW T-Link certified
recorder is a possible option, but may not allow
identification of very small cluster pixel failures.
Note: Updating the camera’s defective/dead pixel map
can be carried out on location by a trained D-21
service technician, in an ARRI service center
or at an ARRI rental facility. This procedure
takes about 20 to 30 minutes, whereas in
postproduction, removal of dead pixels can
be a lengthy process depending on the image
content. It is therefore highly recommended
to take care of dead and defective pixels right
away instead of fixing them in postproduction.