ARRI SIGNATURE PRIME lenses are precision optics carefully
designed to enable cinematographic image acquisition. To
maintain the lowest possible optical scatter, it is crucial to keep
your optics clean. Depending on the environment, dust and non-
volatile residuals from cleaning agents, etc., may deteriorate the
optical performance significantly. Although the optical coatings of
the ARRI SIGNATURE PRIME lenses have been designed to be
robust, it is recommended to follow the common rules of handling
precision optics proposed in this manual.
Avoid touching optical surfaces!
Avoid wiping optical surfaces without air blow dusting
first. If particles or optical surfaces are electrostatically
charged, it may improve dusting efficiency to use
deionized air.
Avoid compressed air from cans: the chances of liquid
propellants within the can being expelled in liquid
droplets against the glass, thereby leaving contaminants
are quite great. If using compressed air, use it only in a
clean environment to avoid aerosols being pulled into the
air stream and propelled onto the surface. Always use
oil-free compressed air with less than 2 atm of pressure
and equipped with particle filter.
Avoid wiping dry optical surfaces with a dry tissue/cloth,
especially if surfaces are not clean.
Use clean, lint-free, and soft single-use paper-based
optics cleaning tissues/pads or ARRI Optics Cleaning
Cloth (Small 170 x 150 mm, Order Number: 50.0019066;
Large 14.6” x 17.7”, Order Number: K2.0016922). Avoid
abrasive particle contamination of your cleaning supplies
and cloths (e.g. by sand).
Always wipe gently in a single direction and take a new
tissue for each stroke if using disposable tissues.