Arrive AirPoint
- Network Deployment Guide
Real Time Streaming Protocol;RTSP is an official Internet
standard (RFC 2326) for delivering and receiving streams of
data such as audio and video. The standard allows for both real-
time ("live") streams of data and streams from stored data.
Service Set identifier;Identifies a network consisting of one
or more access points. Such a network is also known as an
Extended Service Set (ESS).
Transmission Control Protocol;A connection-oriented protocol
that transmits data in byte streams. Data is transmitted in
packets called TCP segments, which contain TCP headers and
"Transmission Control/Internet Protocol;this is used for
communications across interconnected networks and is
being increasingly deployed to connect diverse computer
architectures and platforms, both between enterprises and
within enterprises. TCP operates at Layer 4 (the transport layer)
of the OSI stack. IP operates at Layer 3 (the network layer) of
the OSI stack.
User Datagram Protocol; is part of the TCP/IP suite of protocols
used for data transferring. UDP is a known as a "stateless"
protocol, meaning it doesn't acknowledge that the packets
being sent have been received. For this reason, the UDP
protocol is typically used for streaming media. While you
might see skips in video or hear some fuzz in audio clips, UDP
transmission prevents the playback from stopping completely.
Virtual AP
Virtual Access Point;a secondary Wi-Fi hotspot created within a
physical access point (AP).
"Virtual Local-Area Network;a set of systems that, regardless
of higher-layer addressing or location, is designated as a logical
LAN and treated as a set of contiguous systems on a single LAN
segment. VLANs can be proprietary or standardized using the
IEEE 802.1q specification.
Wide-area Network;used to distinguish the broader
telecommunication structure from a local area network (LAN).
A wide area network may be composed entirely of private
structures, but the term seems to also connote the inclusion of
public networks and all kinds of transmission media.
WiFi Direct
Initially called WiFi P2P, is a WiFi standard enabling devices to
easily connect with each other without requiring a wireless
access point. It is usable for everything from internet browsing
to file transfer,and to communicate with more than one device
simultaneously at typical Wi-Fi speeds.