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© 2013 ARRMA Durango Ltd. A subsidiary of Hobbico, Inc. 



If the ESC temperature exceeds 95 degrees Celsius, the ESC will enter temperature protection mode and the red status LED will blink. Once the ESC has cooled 
down it will resume normal operation.

The ARRMA BLS brushless ESC is setup for use straight from the factory, if you want to alter the settings for your track or driving style please see the table and steps below:
Der ARRMA BLS Brushless-Regler ist werkseingestellt, kann aber individuell auf die eigenen Bedürfnisse abgestimmt werden. Wie genau, das erfahren Sie weiter unten:
Le variateur électronique brushless ARRMA BLS est réglé d’usine afin d’être utilisé de suite, si vous souhaitez ajuster les réglages pour votre circuit ou à votre style de 

pilotage, veuillez suivre le tableau et les étapes ci-dessous :cambio para adaptarlo a tu circuito o estilo de pilotaje comprueba la tabla y los pasos que se indican a continuación:
El ESC brushless ARRMA BLS viene preconfigurado de fábrica y listo para usar, en caso de querer realizar algún cambio para adaptarlo a tu circuito o estilo de pilotaje 

comprueba la tabla y los pasos que se indican a continuación:

ARRMA BLS ブラシレス ESC はすぐにお使いできる状態に設定されています。サーキットや走行スタイルに合わせて設定を変更する場合は、以下の表や手順をご覧ください。

ARRMA BLS 无刷电调是直接从工厂设定,如果你想改变轨道或驾驶风格的设置请参阅表和以下步骤:

Für den Fall, dass der Regler eine Temperatur von 95°C für länger als 5 Sekunden erreicht, wird er in den Temperatur-Schutzmodus gehen, was durch ein schnelles 
Blinken der LED angezeigt wird. Nach dem Abkühlen kann der normale Betrieb fortgesetzt werden.

Si la température du variateur électronique excède 95 degrés Celsius, le variateur électronique entera automatiquement en mode de protection de température et 
les LED Rouge clignoteront. Une fois que le variateur électronique aura refroidi, il se remettra à fonctionner normalement.

Si la temperatura del ESC supera los 95º C, el ESC entrará en modo de protección por temperatura y el indicador LED rojo parpadeará rápidamente. Una vez se 
reduzca la temperatura el ESC volverá a funcionar con normalidad

ESC 内部の温度が 95℃を超えると ESC は温度保護モードとなり、赤のステータス LED が点滅します。ESC の温度が下がると通常に作動します。
如果 ESC 温度超过摄氏 95 度,ESC 将进入温度保护模式和红色状态指示灯将闪烁。一旦 ESC 冷却下来,将恢复正常运行。





Setting > 1






Battery Mode   Batteriemodus    Type de batterie
Tipo de batería   

バッテリーモード    电池模式

LiPo @ 3.2v per Cell

NiMh - No Cut-off (5v Min)


Running Mode  

Reglermodus   Mode de fonctionnement

Modo de funcionamiento    

走行モード    运行模式





Handbremse     Freinage progressif 


ドラッグブレーキ    拖刹






ESC Specifications   Reglerspezifikationen   Spécifications du variateur électronique   Especificaciones del ESC   

ESCの仕様   ESC规格

Input Voltage   


Voltage  d’entrée    

Voltaje de entrada     

入力電圧   輸入電壓

6-7 NiMh (7.2-8.4v) / 2S LiPo (7.4v)

BEC Output   BEC Ausgang   Sortie BEC

Voltaje de salida del BEC   

BEC 出力   

免电池电路 (BEC) 输出

6.0v/2A Max

ESC Status LED


Le statut des LED du variateur électronique

Indicador LED del ESC

ESC ステータス LED


Solid Blue and Red LED: Reverse active

 Solid Red LED: Reverse locked

Blinking Blue LED: Low Voltage Protection

Blinking Red LED: Temperature Protection

Permanent leuchtende blaue und rote LED: 
Rückwärtsgang aktiv

P e r m a n e n t   l e u c h t e n d e   R o t e   L E D : 
Rückwärtsgang aus

B l i n k e n d e   b l a u e   L E D : 

Blinkende rote LED: Temperatursicherung

LED Bleu et Rouge fixe :
Marche Arrière activé

LED Rouge fixe : Marche Arrière bloqué

LED Bleu clignotant: Protection Basse 

L E D   Ro u g e   c l i g n o t a n t :   Pr o t e c t i o n   d e 

Indicador LED fijo azul y rojo: 
Marcha atrás activada

Indicador LED fijo rojo: Marcha atrás 

I n d i c a d o r   L E D   i n t e r m i t e n t e   a z u l : 
Protección de bajo voltaje

Indicador LED intermitente rojo: Protección 
por temperatura

LED が赤と青で点灯: リバースアクティブモード LED が赤で点灯: リバースロックモード

LED が青で点滅: 低電圧保護モード

LED が赤で点滅: 温度保護モード

红蓝 LED:反向开

红色 LED:反向锁定

闪烁蓝色 LED:低电压保护

闪烁的红色 LED 温度保护

To tune the BLS ESC, connect a 

battery, hold the ‘set’ button and 

switch the ESC on. A beep will 

sound, release the ‘set’ button.

Press the ‘set’ button to cycle the 

tuning variables, the blue LED will 

flash with short beeps to show the 

variable selected.

To enter the selected variable, hold 

the ‘set’ button, a long beep will 

acknowledge the selection. Release 

the ‘set’ button.

Using the tuning chart, press the 

‘set’ button until the number of 

red LED flashes and short beeps 

equals the required value.

To save the setting, either hold the 

‘set’ button to go back to tuning 

variable selection or switch the 

ESC off.

Um den BLS-Regler einzustellen, 

schließen Sie einen Akku an, halten 

Sie den “Set”-Knopf gedrückt und 

schalten Sie den Regler ein. Sobald 

ein Piepton ertönt, lassen Sie den 

“Set”-Knopf los.

Drücken Sie den “Set”-Knopf, um 

die verschiedenen Parameter 

anzuwählen. Die blaue LED wird 

kurz aufblinken, um die gewählten 

Parameter anzuzeigen. Dieses wird 

von entsprechenden Pieptönen 


Um das gewünschte Parameter zu 

verändern, halten Sie den “Set”-

Knopf und ein langer Piepton 

bestätigt die Auswahl. Lassen Sie 

den “Set”-Knopf nun los.

Mit Hilfe der Tabelle können Sie die 

unterschiedlichen Einstellungen 

erkennen. Halten Sie die “Set”-Taste, 

bis die gewünschte Einstellung des 

Parameters erfolgt ist. Die rote LED 

wird entsprechend der gewählten 

Einstellung aufblinken, unterstützt 

von der entsprechenden Anzahl an 


Um die Einstellung zu speichern, 

halten Sie den “Set”-Knopf 

gedrückt bis Sie wieder bei der 

Parameterauswahl angelangen, 

oder schalten Sie den Regler aus.

Afin de régler le variateur 

électronique BLS, branchez une 

batterie, appuyez sur le bouton ‘set’ 

et allumez le variateur électronique 

à l’aide de l’interrupteur ‘on’. Un bip 

retentira, relâchez le bouton ‘set’.

Appuyez sur le bouton ‘set’ 

pour parcourir les différents 

paramètres de réglage, la LED 

bleu flashera et des bips courts 

retentiront afin de confirmer la 

sélection du paramètre souhaité.

Pour entrer dans le réglage 

souhaité, gardez le bouton ‘set’ 

enfoncé, un long bip retentira 

afin de confirmer la sélection du 

réglage. Puis relâchez le bouton 


En vous référant au tableau de 

réglage, appuyer sur le bouton 

“set” jusqu’à ce que le nombre de 

clignottements de la LED rouge 

ainsi que de bips correspondent au 

réglage désiré.

Pour sauvegarder votre réglage, soit 

vous gardez enfoncé le bouton ‘set’ 

pour revenir au menu de sélection 

des différent paramètres, soit vous 

mettez hors-tension votre variateur 

électronique à l’aide de l’interrupteur 


Para ajustar el ESC BLS, conecta 

una batería, mantén pulsado el 

botón ‘set’ y enciende el ESC. Al 

escuchar un pitido, suelta el botón 


Pulsa el botón ‘set’ para cambiar 

entre las distintas opciones de 

configuración, el indicador LED 

azul parpadeará junto con pitidos 

cortos para informar de qué opción 

está seleccionada

Para entrar en la opción 

seleccionada, mantén pulsado 

el botón ‘set’, un pitido largo 

confirmará la acción. Suelta el 

botón ‘set’.

Usando la tabla de ajuste, pulsa el 

botón ‘set’ hasta que el número de 

pitidos y parpadeos del indicador 

LED rojo coincida con el valor 


Para guardar un ajuste, mantén 

pulsado el botón ‘set’ para volver al 

menú de selección o apaga el ESC.

BLS ESC のチューンアップを行う場





set ボタンを押して設定項目を選択

します。青の LED が点滅し短いビープ



選択した設定項目を入力するには set



set ボタンを放します。









要调整的 BLS ESC,连接电池,按住“设

置”按钮,打开 ESC。提示音将响起,释



LED 会闪烁短声来显示选择的变化。



使用调谐图表,按“设置”按钮,红色 LE

D 闪烁和短促的“嘟”声,直到数等于所需



调整变化的选择或关闭 ESC。

Temperature Protection


Protection de température

Protección por temperatura



ESC Tuning


Réglage du variateur électronique

Ajuste del ESC

ESC のチューニング

ESC 调整

Factory Defaults


Réglages d’usine

Defectos de fabricación



Summary of Contents for 1/10th scale-2wd mega


Page 2: ...intenance Schedule 9 Chassis Maintenance 10 Wheel and Tyre Maintenance 10 Slipper Clutch Adjustment BLX 11 Spur Pinion Mesh Adjustment BLX 11 Slipper Pad Replacement MEGA BLS 12 Slipper Pad Replacement BLX 13 Driveshaft Maintenance 14 Rear Axle Maintenance 14 Wheel Bearing Replacement 15 FACTORY CHASSIS SETTINGS 16 Motor Removal 22 Differential Tuning 22 Differential Removal MEGA BLS 23 Differenti...

Page 3: ...瑕疵 为了确保您了解保固期限以及限制条件 请上网 ARRMA RC com GO 查询 If using LiPo batteries you must set the correct battery mode on the ESC electronic speed controller to prevent battery damage Wenn Sie LiPo Akkus verwenden muss der entsprechende Batteriemodus am Fahrtregler angewählt sein um Schäden an der Batterie durch Tiefentladung zu ver hindern Pour l utilisation de batteries LiPo vous devez définir le mode batter...

Page 4: ...0mm 2 5mm 1 5mm 1 3mm ARRMA ATX 2 4 Ghz Transmitter ARRMA ATX 2 4 Ghz Sender ARRMA ATX 2 4 Ghz Emetteur ARRMA ATX 2 4 Ghz Emisora ARRMA ATX 2 4Ghz 送信機 ARRMA ATX 2 4Ghz 遥控器 8 4V Battery and Charger Akku und Ladegerät Batteries et chargeur Batería de y cargador バッテリー及び充電器 电池和充电器 ARRMA GRANITE ARRMA RAIDER US Design Patent application no 29 392 417 Community Design No 001275770 0001 ARRMA FURY ARRMA ...

Page 5: ...imd accélération Centradodelacelerador スロッ トルトリム 油门微调 Throttle Trim factory default zero adjustment is not necessary Gastrimmung Werkseinstellung null Einstellung nicht erforderlich Trim d accélération réglage non nécessaire réglage au neutre d origine Centrado del acelerador ajustado al 0 de fábrica no se necesita ninguna modificación スロットルトリムは工場出荷時にゼロで設定されています 調節は不要です 油门微调 原厂设定值为零 无需调整 Steering ...

Page 6: ...terías de la emisora han de ser reemplazadas バッテリーステータス LED が点滅している場合は ッテリーを交換してください 如果电池状态指示灯闪烁 电池需要更换 电池状态 Factory Defaults Werkseinstellungen Réglagesd usine Defectosdefabricación 工場出荷時の設定 Steering throttle channels switches set to N Steering and Throttle trim set to middle zero adjustment Steering Dual Rate at 100 fully right Lenkung und Gas Brems Kanal Schalter stehen auf N Lenkungs und Gas B...

Page 7: ...蓝 LED 反向开 红色 LED 反向锁定 闪烁蓝色 LED 低电压保护 闪烁的红色 LED 温度保护 To tune the BLS ESC connect a battery hold the set button and switch the ESC on A beep will sound release the set button Press the set button to cycle the tuning variables the blue LED will flash with short beeps to show the variable selected To enter the selected variable hold the set button a long beep will acknowledge the selection Release the...

Page 8: ...UGH 8 Battery Fitting Einsetzen Der Akkus Raccordement De Batterie Colocación De Baterías バッテリーの装着 组装电池 AA x4 Running Fahr Conduite Conducción 走行の 操作 i ii Post Drive Checks Nach dem Fahren Comprobaciones tras la conducción Vérifications après avoir piloté チェックを駆動した後に 運行後的檢查 i ii ...

Page 9: supervision required use only in a well ventilated area and away from sources of ignition Brush Oil Spray Grease Tyre Glue Thread lock Recommended Tools 1 3 0 050 1 5 2 2 5mm Maintenance PH1 Screwdriver Maintenance Schedule Maintenance Task Page Runs Chassis Maintenance 11 Wheel and Tyre Maintenance 11 Slipper clutch Adjustment 12 Spur Pinion Mesh Adjustment 12 Slipper Pad Replacement 13 Drives...

Page 10: chassis shown as an example information applies to all variants N B FURY shown as an example information applies to all variants Online videos when you see this icon Automotive Brake Cleaner or Nitro Car Cleaner Cloth Brush Wheel and Tyre Maintenance 2 3 4 1 7mm Nut Driver or Cross Wrench Tyre Glue ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT ...

Page 11: ... Tools Required 2mm Hex Driver 2 1 5 5 7mm Nut Driver or Cross Wrench ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT 2mm Hex Driver ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT Factory Setting Werkseinstellung Réglage d usine Padrón 出厂设置 出荷時設定 MEGA BLS BLX 1 Fully tighten locknut clockwise Kontermutter festziehen im Uhrzeigersinn Serrer l écrou complètement Apriete completamente con tratuerca en sentido horario 完全锁紧螺母顺时针方向拧紧 完全にロックナットを時計回りに締め 2 L...

Page 12: ... A subsidiary of Hobbico Inc DESIGNED FAST DESIGNED TOUGH 12 Tools Required 2mm Hex Driver PH1 Screwdriver 5 5 7mm Nut Driver or or Cross Wrench 2 6 5 3 4 1 Slipper Pads PN 310018 Slipper Pad Replacement ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT ...

Page 13: ...MA RC COM 2013 ARRMA Durango Ltd A subsidiary of Hobbico Inc 13 Slipper Pad Replacement Tools Required 5 5 7mm Nut Driver or Cross Wrench 2 6 5 3 4 1 Slipper Pads PN 310018 2mm Hex Driver ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT ...

Page 14: ... FAST DESIGNED TOUGH 14 Driveshaft Maintenance Rear Axle Maintenance Tools Required 7mm Nut Driver or Cross Wrench Long nose Pliers 2 2 4 1 1 3 Cloth Grease Tools Required 7mm Nut Driver or Cross Wrench Long nose Pliers ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT ...

Page 15: ...OM 2013 ARRMA Durango Ltd A subsidiary of Hobbico Inc 15 Wheel Bearing Replacement Rear Axle Maintenance cont 4 5 3 Tools Required 7mm Nut Driver or Cross Wrench Long nose Pliers 2 4 7 1 3 5 8 6 ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT ...

Page 16: ... Lower shock position Lower shock position Lower shock position FIXED FIXED FIXED 1 5mm Camber Link position Camber Link position 27 5 38 5 28 39 0 0 2 x 1 3mm MEGA 15T 81T 48dp 22t 48dp MEGA 350 cst 350 cst 3000 cst 2 x 1 3mm 1 0 1 0 0 Zero 0 Zero Lower shock position FIXED 0 75mm ESC Shocks Differential Motor Gears Piston Front Rear Oil wt Spring Motor Spur Gear Pinion Gear Oil wt 2 x 1 3mm MEGA...

Page 17: ...FIXED Lower shock position FIXED Camber Link position Lower shock position FIXED 0 75mm 0 75mm 0 75mm ESC Shocks Differential Motor Gears Piston Front Rear Oil wt Spring Motor Spur Gear Pinion Gear Oil wt 2 x 1 3mm MEGA 15T 87t 48dp 18t 48dp MEGA 350 cst 350 cst 3000 cst 2 x 1 3mm ESC Shocks Differential Motor Gears Piston Front Rear Oil wt Spring Motor Spur Gear Pinion Gear Oil wt 2 x 1 3mm MEGA ...

Page 18: ...Lower shock position Lower shock position Lower shock position 47mm 25 4mm 24 2 1 5mm Camber Link position Camber Link position 27 5 38 5 28 39 0 0 2 x 1 3mm BLS 4000kV 81T 48dp 25t 48dp BLS 350 cst 350 cst 3000 cst 2 x 1 3mm 1 0 1 0 0 Zero 0 Zero Lower shock position 40 1mm 0 75mm ESC Shocks Differential Motor Gears Piston Front Rear Oil wt Spring Motor Spur Gear Pinion Gear Oil wt 2 x 1 3mm BLS ...

Page 19: ...r shock position 47mm Camber Link position Lower shock position 40 1mm 0 75mm 0 75mm 0 75mm ESC Shocks Differential Motor Gears Piston Front Rear Oil wt Spring Motor Spur Gear Pinion Gear Oil wt 2 x 1 3mm BLS 4000kV 87t 48dp 22t 48dp BLS 350 cst 350 cst 3000 cst 2 x 1 3mm ESC Shocks Differential Motor Gears Piston Front Rear Oil wt Spring Motor Spur Gear Pinion Gear Oil wt 2 x 1 3mm BLS 4000kV 87t...

Page 20: ...wer shock position Lower shock position Lower shock position 47mm 25 4mm 24 2mm 1 5mm Camber Link position Camber Link position 27 5 38 5 28 39 0 0 2 x 1 3mm BLX 3900kV 54T 0 8M 17t 0 8M BLX 350 cst 350 cst 10000 cst 2 x 1 3mm 1 0 1 0 0 Zero 0 Zero Lower shock position 40 1mm 0 75mm ESC Shocks Differential Motor Gears Piston Front Rear Oil wt Spring Motor Spur Gear Pinion Gear Oil wt 2 x 1 3mm BLX...

Page 21: ... shock position 47mm Camber Link position Lower shock position 40 1mm 0 75mm 0 75mm 0 75mm ESC Shocks Differential Motor Gears Piston Front Rear Oil wt Spring Motor Spur Gear Pinion Gear Oil wt 2 x 1 3mm BLX 3900kV 57t 0 8M 15t 0 8M BLX 350 cst 350 cst 10000 cst 2 x 1 3mm ESC Shocks Differential Motor Gears Piston Front Rear Oil wt Spring Motor Spur Gear Pinion Gear Oil wt 2 x 1 3mm BLX 3900kV 57t...

Page 22: ...013 ARRMA Durango Ltd A subsidiary of Hobbico Inc DESIGNED FAST DESIGNED TOUGH 22 Motor Removal Tools Required 7mm Nut Driver or Cross Wrench 1 3 2 4 ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT 2mm Hex Driver PH1 Screwdriver or ...

Page 23: ...MA Durango Ltd A subsidiary of Hobbico Inc 23 Differential Removal and Replacement 1 3 5 2 4 6 Long nose Pliers Tools Required 2mm Hex Driver 1 3mm Hex Driver 2 5mm Hex Driver 7mm Nut Driver or Cross Wrench ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT ...

Page 24: ... 2013 ARRMA Durango Ltd A subsidiary of Hobbico Inc DESIGNED FAST DESIGNED TOUGH 24 Differential Removal and Replacement cont 7 10 9 Differential Exploded View 8 11 ...

Page 25: ...MA Durango Ltd A subsidiary of Hobbico Inc 25 Differential Removal and Replacement 1 3 5 2 4 6 Long nose Pliers Tools Required 2mm Hex Driver 1 3mm Hex Driver 2 5mm Hex Driver 7mm Nut Driver or Cross Wrench ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT ...

Page 26: ... 2013 ARRMA Durango Ltd A subsidiary of Hobbico Inc DESIGNED FAST DESIGNED TOUGH 26 Differential Removal and Replacement cont 7 10 9 Differential Exploded View 8 11 ...

Page 27: ...of Hobbico Inc 27 Radio gear Maintenance Steering Maintenance Receiver Access Steering Access 2mm Hex Driver 1 1 2 2 Tools Required 2mm Hex Driver 7mm Nut Driver or Cross Wrench Long nose Pliers ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT Tools Required 3 4 ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT ...

Page 28: ...ARRMA Durango Ltd A subsidiary of Hobbico Inc DESIGNED FAST DESIGNED TOUGH 28 Servo Removal 5 6 Steering Access cont Tools Required 2mm Hex Driver ARRMA RC COM SUPPORT 1 2 Steering CH1 Throttle CH2 3 4 5 5mm ...

Page 29: ...Angle Toe Angle mm mm mm mm Lower shock position Lower shock position Lower shock position Camber Link position Camber Link position Lower shock position ESC Shocks Differential Motor Gears Piston Front Rear Oil wt Spring Motor Spur Gear Pinion Gear Oil wt Settings Front Rear Ride Height Ride Height Camber Camber Toe Angle mm mm Lower shock position Camber Link position Lower shock position ESC Sh...

Page 30: ...mber Camber Camber Toe Angle Toe Angle mm mm mm mm Lower shock position Camber Link position Lower shock position Lower shock position Camber Link position Lower shock position ESC Shocks Differential Motor Gears Piston Front Rear Oil wt Spring Motor Spur Gear Pinion Gear Oil wt ESC Shocks Differential Motor Gears Piston Front Rear Oil wt Spring Motor Spur Gear Pinion Gear Oil wt ...

Page 31: ...0002 AR310317 AR710001 AR330014 AR330014 AR330224 AR710001 AR310002 AR722310 AR722310 AR330018 AR320203 AR320210 Raider AR330014 AR330224 AR340001 AR310002 AR310317 AR710001 AR710001 AR330014 AR722310 AR722310 AR722308 AR722308 AR715001 AR715001 AR330303 AR330303 AR721310 AR721310 AR330303 AR330168 AR330168 AR721310 AR721310 AR721325 AR721325 AR722310 AR722310 AR320004 AR320004 AR722310 AR722310 A...

Page 32: ... AR310002 AR330014 AR330014 AR722310 AR722310 AR722310 AR722310 AR320203 AR721328 AR710001 AR722308 AR722308 AR721308 AR721308 AR330018 AR330225 AR710001 AR715001 AR721310 AR715001 AR330303 AR721310 AR330018 AR721325 AR330010 AR330169 AR715001 AR310317 AR610002 AR310002 AR310375 AR610002 AR713001 AR310464 AR708003 AR310002 AR340001 AR330014 AR330014 AR330225 AR320005 BLK AR320005 BLK AR320209 BLK ...

Page 33: ... AR330169 AR715001 AR330010 AR725328 AR715001 AR330010 AR330169 AR330010 AR721315 AR710001 AR310464 AR708003 AR713001 AR610002 AR310375 AR310002 AR310317 AR330014 AR330014 AR710001 AR710001 AR722310 AR722310 AR722310 AR722308 AR330017 AR742300 AR320209 AR320070 AR721310 AR713005 AR722310 AR722310 AR320209 AR320209 AR330014 AR710001 AR721308 AR721308 AR330018 AR715001 AR721310 AR721310 AR721325 AR7...

Page 34: ... AR320005 AR340079 AR721310 AR715005 AR340006 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 25T AR330171 AR330169 AR320201 AR320266 AR709003 AR390133 AR320203 AR320266 AR340079 AR390096 AR320169 AR722305 AR390064 AR320169 AR320169 AR320169 AR320169 AR742300 AR721308 AR390001 AR390001 db10162X AR530009 AR510005 Outrun Outrun AR530009 AR510042 db10152X Raider Raide...

Page 35: ...3 AR320266 AR320201 2 AR330169 AR330171 AR340079 9 25T AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340006 AR715005 AR721310 AR340079 AR320005 AR320201 AR390105 AR320078 Vorteks AR320203 AR320078 Vorteks AR721308 AR721308 AR721308 AR721308 AR721308 AR721308 AR722305 AR320169 AR721308 AR721308 AR742300 AR721308 AR340079 AR330171 AR721308 AR721308 AR721308 AR721308 AR721...

Page 36: ... AR330169 AR320202 AR709003 AR320203 AR320065 AR390105 AR320065 AR320005 AR340079 AR721310 AR340079 AR340006 AR715005 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 AR330171 AR340079 AR340079 AR340079 25T AR320202 AR320266 AR390133 AR340079 AR320203 AR320065 AR320065 5 AR320065 AR721312 AR390096 AR320266 AR320169 AR721305 AR742300 AR320169 AR390064 AR320169 AR320169 AR320169 AR390001 AR721308 AR3900...

Page 37: ...R330168 AR310464 AR721335 AR715001 AR310464 AR709003 AR721335 AR721310 AR721310 AR721310 AR320078 AR721310 AR320078 AR320005 AR721315 AR721315 AR721310 AR721310 AR721312 AR721312 AR721310 AR721310 AR721310 AR330169 AR709003 AR330010 AR721312 AR330022 AR310006 AR610003 AR713001 AR708003 AR610002 AR310002 AR330022 AR310400 AR721310 AR721310 AR721310 AR721310 AR721308 AR721310 AR721310 AR721310 AR330...

Page 38: ...AR721310 AR721310 AR320209 AR721312 AR721310 AR721310 AR721310 AR721315 AR721315 AR310464 AR709003 AR721312 AR310002 AR310400 AR310401 AR330022 AR721308 AR721308 AR721310 AR721310 AR721310 AR721310 AR721310 AR721310 AR721310 AR722312 AR722310 AR722310 AR722310 AR722310 AR722310 AR710001 AR702206 AR330169 AR709012 AR330067 AR330228 AR330022 AR330227 AR330169 AR330169 AR330169 AR330305 AR330064 AR33...

Page 39: ...AR709003 AR721312 AR330022 AR330169 AR330171 AR330169 AR330009 AR330065 AR310401 AR330019 AR330016 AR330225 AR710001 AR721308 AR721308 AR330056 AR610002 AR721312 AR310401 AR330022 AR330168 AR310601 AR330022 AR310400 AR330009 AR330169 AR330169 AR330171 AR330065 AR320005 AR709003 AR721335 AR330010 AR709003 AR721312 AR320005 AR320181 AR330225 AR710001 AR610003 AR713001 AR310464 AR708003 AR722310 AR72...

Page 40: ... AR310585 AR310585 AR710001 AR715001 AR709003 AR310376 AR310376 AR310376 AR310584 AR310021 AR310374 AR390095 AR721315 AR722208 AR721312 AR310601 1 AR709013 AR310597 AR310600 AR310600 AR310601 AR310597 AR310601 AR330009 AR310600 AR704306 AR610001 AR330022 AR310399 AR310597 AR310378 AR310378 AR310378 AR310378 AR310378 AR310378 AR310378 AR310020 AR310597 AR310399 AR310378 AR310378 AR610001 AR610002 A...

Page 41: ...ess ESC AR390095 BLS 4000kV Brushless Motor AR390113 ADS 5 Waterproof Servo Ancillaries Bodies Peripherie Karosserien Accessoires et Boîtiers Accesorios y carrocerías 付属品とボディ 辅助设备和车壳 AR402090 Raider BLS Body Green AR402091 Raider BLS Body Blue AR402110 Raider Body Clear AR402092 Fury BLS Body Red AR402093 Fury BLS Body Blue AR402112 Fury Body Clear AR402002 Raider Rear Wing AR402094 Granite BLS Bo...

Page 42: ...ions for 2 4 GHz wideband transmission systems and 5 GHz high per formance RLAN equipment CE STATEMENT Europe EU Declaration of Conformity CS Česky Czech ARRMA Durango Limited tímto prohlašuje že tento ATX 100 ARX 100 je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice 1999 5 ES DA Dansk Danish Undertegnede ARRMA Durango Limited erklærer herved at følgende udstyr ATX 10...

Page 43: ...TX 100 ARX 100 jikkon forma mal ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm fid Dirrettiva 1999 5 EC HU Magyar Hungarian Alulírott ARRMA Durango Limited nyilatkozom hogy a ATX 100 ARX 100 megfel el a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999 5 EC irányelv egyéb elõírá sainak PL Polski Pol ish Niniejszym ARRMA Durango Limited oświadcza że ATX 100 ARX 100 jest zgodny z zasa...

Page 44: ...ARRMA RC COM All rights reserved Copyright ARRMA Durango Ltd 2013 ...
