Document # 570-2225
Because a different Cospas-Sarsat # is used when the Serial numbers reset after 16,383,
the 15-digit ELT Identifier remains unique. Note: There were a small number of ELT’s in
the C,B,G series that used the letter “A” as a prefix before the numeral prefix was adopted
for use. (i.e. A00001 instead of 170-00001)
Note: When entering data into the programming software, most fields not filled with the
maximum allowable number of characters will fill the unused portion with zeros to the left
of the data entered. Exceptions to this are noted in the appropriate sections below.
The frame sync (message prefix) setting must be verified. This should always be set to
“Normal Frame Sync”. That corresponds to the 2F prefix in the 32 digit hex code. If this
setting is ever different from Normal Frame Sync, notify Artex Aircraft Supplies
immediately, as the ELT’s functionality depends on this setting. The other possible setting
is a test setting that corresponds to a D0 prefix in the 32 digit hex code. This setting will
cause the Search and Rescue monitoring system to ignore the ELT’s transmission,
dismissing it as a test message. A rescue effort will not begin.
The desired programming protocol must be selected. Consult with local aviation
authorities for possible programming protocol exceptions/additional rules that may apply
for particular countries. In the “Protocol Type” dialogue box select the type of
programming desired by clicking on the down arrow or to its left to show the protocol
options. The chart in the above section will define which ELT’s are “Short Message”
ELT’s and which are “Long Message” ELT’s. Short message ELT’s accept short message
protocol programming only. Long message ELT’s normally use long message protocol
programming. They will accept short message protocol programming, though this is not