Example of a group organized first by wire.
File Management
Part programs, processes, terminals, wires, jobs, and pre-processes are stored in the currently selected folder.
The name of the folder that is selected, is displayed at the top of the screen. The default folder is called
One reason for using folders is to separate data from one product line to the next. As an example you may have
a folder called Ford F150 and one called Chevy Silverado 1500. When the F150 folder is selected you will only
see the Part programs, processes, terminals, wires, jobs, and pre-processes that are for the F150.
The selected folder is shown at the top of the screen.
To select a folder.
Clicking on the down arrow will allow you to select from a list of the last 10 used folders.
Clicking on the folder picture will bring up the window below. From this window you can click on the desired folder
and then click the green check.