The cutoff frequency doesn’t have to be static; controlling it with other devices like
a keyboard (keyboard tracking), or LFO, envelope generator, or other controllers,
creates dynamically-changing, interesting timbres. Resonance or emphasis
Resonance is a filter’s ability to amplify or emphasize partials that are close to the
cutoff frequency, thus creating a peak in the spectral response. This parameter
can be increased up to a point where the filters no longer acts like a mere filter,
but starts to oscillate on its own.
4.1.4 Amplifier
The amplifier generally follows the filter, and determines the signal’s overall
amplitude. Its gain is controllable through various modulation sources such as an
LFO, envelope generator, or some kind of external control (like a foot-pedal). The
amplifier is primarily responsible for shaping a sound’s dynamics.
Arturia MiniBrute User's Manual
4 General description