| Setting up an IAP
Aruba Instant | User Guide
(Instant AP)# commit apply
Using Sequence-Sensitive Commands
The Instant CLI does not support positioning or precedence of sequence-sensitive commands. Therefore,
Aruba recommends that you remove the existing configuration before adding or modifying the configuration
details for sequence-sensitive commands. You can either delete an existing profile or remove a specific
configuration by using the
The following table lists the sequence-sensitive commands and the corresponding
commands to remove
the configuration:
Sequence-Sensitive Command
Corresponding no command
opendns <username <password>
no opendns
rule <dest> <mask> <match> <protocol> <start-port>
<end-port> {permit | deny | src-nat | dst-nat {<IP-
address> <port> | <port>}}[<option1....option9>]
no rule <dest> <mask> <match>
<protocol> <start-port> <end-port>
{permit | deny | src-nat | dst-nat}
mgmt-auth-server <auth-profile-name>
no mgmt-auth-server <auth-profile-
set-role <attribute>{{equals| not-equals | starts-
with | ends-with | contains} <operator> <role> |
no set-role <attribute>{{equals |
not-equals | starts-with | ends-with
| contains} <operator>| value-of}
no set-role
set-vlan <attribute>{{equals | not-equals | starts-
with | ends-with | contains} <operator> <VLAN-ID> |
no set-vlan <attribute>{{equals |
not-equals | starts-with | ends-with
| contains} <operator> | value-of}
no set-vlan
auth-server <name>
no auth-server <name>
Table 8:
Sequence-Sensitive Commands
Banner and Loginsession Configuration using CLI
Starting from Instant, the Banner and Loginsession Configuration feature is introduced in the
IAP, wherein the text banner can be displayed at the login prompt when users are on a management (Telnet or
SSH) session of the CLI, and the management session can remain active even when there is no user activity
command defines a text banner to be displayed at the login prompt of a CLI. Instant supports up
to 16 lines text, and each line accepts a maximum of 255 characters including spaces.
To configure a banner:
(Instant AP)(config)# banner motd <motd_text>
Example of a text banner configuration:
(Instant AP)(config)# banner motd "######welcome to login instant###########"
(Instant AP)(config)# banner motd "####please start to input admin and password#########"
(Instant AP)(config)# banner motd "###Don't leak the password###"
(Instant AP)(config)# end
(Instant AP)# commit apply