Alle rechten voorbehouden.
Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een database of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch,
mechanisch, opnamen, of enig andere manier, zonder voorafgaande toestemming van ASCGroup.
Always transport parts in accordance with legislation.
Stack the parts correctly when transporting; never put heavier parts on top of the stack.
Never place (sharp) objects in the net and do not use the net as a lashing strap to secure
other materials.
Preferably transport parts standing up by securing them to the wall.
Handle the material with care. Do not drop parts on a hard surface; this may reduce the
quality of the material.
Make sure the material is clean, especially the connecting pins. The tubes should go in and
out of each other easily.
Replace missing and broken parts in a timely manner.
Store components of the scaffolding preferably in a dry, clean, dark and frost-free place.