Operating Manual PLK8
Version 2.08
Page 13
Do not rest arms on the safety bars or back of the lift unit during operation.
Don’t put your hands near the travel rail while the lift is in motion.
During operation, ensure that no parts of the wheelchair or passenger protrude beyond the extents
of the lift platform.
Transportation of goods is only allowed when these are stable enough and cannot fall over, move
about or slip off the platform while the lift is in operation.
The lift unit and travel rails must be adequately illuminated at all times, either by daylight or an
electrical light source (min. 50 Lux). The electrical lightning provided must operate independently of
any timing device (e.g. movement sensor).
Always position wheelchair bound passengers on the lift facing in the direction of travel.
The lift is approved for the transport of only one person at any time!
The passenger on the platform should note make unnecessary e.g. rocking or see-sawing
movements while the lift is in motion.
Ensure that the handbrake of the wheelchair has been applied before setting the lift in motion.
Never insert solid objects or pour any form of liquids into any slits or openings of the lift unit.
This applies irrespective of whether the lift is stationary or in use.
Do not remove, cut, deform or handle any parts of the lift with force.
Do not use force during normal operations when opening or closing the safety bars
, or while the
lift is in motion.
Excepting an emergency
, when it is necessary to release a passenger after an
unexpected malfunction of the lift.
The lift operation must be immediately stopped if any objects or form of obstruction are in the
direct path or in the near vicinity of the lift or its travel rails during use.
Do not remove any of the signs or labels which are attached to the lift.
All repair and maintenance work must be performed by trained technicians.
For the necessary qualifications see
: “
Essential Operator Qualifications
Repairs to the travel rails (handrail or toothed rack) are strictly forbidden!
Do not use the lift in conditions where a high risk of explosion is present.
(e.g. in the event of a gas leak)
For indoor and outdoor facilities, operating the lift after a temporary or permanent flooding of the
lift is forbidden.
Soiling or dirt on the lift or rails may be removed with the use of commercially available stainless-
steel cleaning spray (
light lubrication
), or a damp cloth.
Never use running water or a hose!
Use the protective cover provided for outdoor installations after every operation of the lift in order
to protect it from environment influences (i.e. rain).