product sheet
QVoIce preseNtAtIoN
A client-server based post-processing
system with an open database which
stores and presents measurement data.
QVoice Presentation
turning Data into information
QVoice presentation (QVp) is a multi-func-
tional post-processing system that stream-
lines analysis and reporting generating tasks.
Management reports bring visual meaning to
KpIs while technical reports, graphs and charts
provide the foundation to network performance
understanding for the benchmarking and opti-
mization departments.
All QVoice data collection systems share a
common data file format:
QVoice symphony
QVoice companion
QVoice smart
Accordingly it is convenient to compile
measurement data collected from many differ-
ent locations, at different times and even for
different purposes for integrated and compre-
hensive reports.
Inter-departmental Benefits
All departments can benefit from the large quantities of collected mea-
surement data and analyzed information. the data available in QVoice files can
become a precious asset for conducting engineering analysis. By using the same
QVoice equipment sharing the expense to generate data between departments
becomes a highly cost effective reality.
A few users who benefit from QVp data analysis include:
Network senior Management and directors
service Management
project teams
optimization teams
Maintenance teams
corporate teams
Marketing teams
... and more !
QVP In-depth
QVp is programmed with practical and highly functional features including
a library of frequently used reports and sQL query generators that allow users
to extract stored data in the form they define. Measurement files are compiled
and selected parameters outputted in accurate and comprehensive, yet easy to
interpret statistical charts and graphically legend maps – each with time refer-
ence, invaluable in troubleshooting and network tuning.