tems™ visuAlizAtioN 7.1 eNterPrise
This latest version of TEMS Visualization is not a simple upgrade
from previous releases.
It is an Enterprise-grade solution that takes the
processing and analysis of event data to a completely new level. TEMS
Visualization Enterprise provides RF engineers a dramatically more effective
way to troubleshoot and optimize WCDMA networks.
The General Performance Event Handling (GPEH) application available
in Ericsson networks enables the collection, retrieval, and storage of event
data for WCDMA. Files are generated in the network elements (RNC) and
collected together in the OSS-RC file storage.
TEMS Visualization Enterprise post-processes this extremely powerful
data source. The Enterprise designation signals a completely new platform
for TEMS Visualization:
– TEMS Visualization Enterprise is a true client/server solution,
designed for 64-bit servers. Large volumes of data can be processed, stored
centrally, and then accessed remotely through the client application.
– Data processing can be completely automated. Also, the
new Diagnostics features are designed to help users find root causes for RF
and capacity problems more quickly.
Better decisions
– The large volumes of decoded event data and
smaller volumes of calculated statistical data are stored separately. This
means statistical data can be stored and analyzed over longer time periods
– giving operators more confidence in their decision making.
TEMS viSualizaTion EnTERPRiSE –
a MajoR nEw advancE foR wcdMa oPERaToRS