Ascon Tecnologic - KX Line - ENGINEERING MANUAL -Vr.4.0
PAG. 14
AL3 Group - Alarm 3 parameters
[43] AL3t - Alarm 3 type
Range: •
When one or more outputs are programmed as
control output:
nonE = Alarm not used
LoAb = Absolute low alarm
HiAb = Absolute high alarm
LHAo = Absolute band alarm with alarm indication
out of the band
LHAi = Absolute band alarm with alarm indication
inside the band = Sensor break
LodE = Deviation low alarm (relative)
HidE = Deviation high alarm (relative)
LHdo = Relative band alarm with alarm indication
out of the band
LHdi = Relative band alarm with alarm indication
inside the band
When no output is programmed as control output:
nonE = Alarm not used
LoAb = Absolute low alarm
HiAb = Absolute high alarm
LHAo = Absolute band alarm with alarm indication
out of the band
LHAi = Absolute band alarm with alarm indication
inside the band = Sensor break
The relative alarm are “relative” to the current set point
(this may be different to the Target set point if you are
using the ramp to set point function).
[44] Ab3 - Alarm 3 function
When [42] AL3t is different from “nonE”.
0... 15 with the following rule:
+1 =
Not active at power up.
+2 =
Latched alarm (manual reset)
+4 =
Acknowledgeable alarm
+8 =
Relative alarm not active at set point change
Setting Ad3 equal to 5 (1+4) the alarm 3 will be
“not active at power up” and “Acknowledgeable”.
For other details see [28] Ab1 parameter.
[45] AL3L - For High and low alarms, it is the
low limit of the AL3 threshold
- For band alarm is low alarm threshold
When [43] AL3t is different from “nonE” or [43]
AL3t is different from “”.
-1999 to [46] AL3H engineering units.
[46] AL3H - For High and low alarms, it is the
high limit of the AL3 threshold
- For band alarm is high alarm threshold
When [43] AL3t is different from “nonE” or [43]
AL3t is different from “”.
From [45] AL3L to 9999 engineering units.
[47] AL3 - Alarm 3 threshold
[43] AL3t = LoAb Absolute low alarm;
[43] AL3t = HiAb Absolute high alarm;
[43] AL3t = LodE Deviation low alarm (relative);
[43] AL3t = LidE Deviation high alarm (relative).
From [45] AL3L to [46] AL3H engineering units.
[48] HAL3 - Alarm 3 hysteresis
When [43] AL3t is different to “nonE” or [43] AL3t
is different from “”.
1... 9999 engineering units.
For other details see [32] HAL1 parameter.
[49] AL3d - Alarm 3 delay
When [43] AL3t different form “nonE”.
From oFF (0) to 9999 seconds.
The alarm goes ON only when the alarm condition
persist for a time longer than [49] AL3d time but the
reset is immediate.
[50] AL3o - Alarm 3 enabling during Stand-by mode
and out of range indications
When [43] AL3t is different from “nonE” or [43]
AL3t is different from “”.
0 = Never;
1 = During stand by;
2 = During overrange and underrange;
3 = During overrange, underrange and stand-by.
LbA group - Loop break alarm
General note about LBA alarm
The LBA operate as follows: applying the 100% of the power
output to a process, the process variable, after a time due to
the process inertia, begins to change in a known direction (in-
creases for an heating action or decreases for a cooling action).
If I apply 100% of the power output to a furnace,
the temperature must go up unless one of the component in
the loop is faulty (heater, sensor, power supply, fuse, etc...)
The same philosophy can be applied to the minimum power.
In our example, when I turn OFF the power to a furnace, the
temperature must go down, if not the SSR is in short circuit,
the valve is jammed, etc..
LBA function is automatically enabled when the PID requires
the maximum or the minimum power.
When the process response is slower than the programmed
limit the instrument generates an alarm.
Notes: 1.
When the instrument is in manual mode, the LBA
function is disabled.
When LBA alarm is ON the instrument continues
to perform the standard control. If the process
response comes back into the programmed limit,
the instrument automatically resets the LBA alarm.
This function is available only when the programmed
control algorithm is equal to PID (Cont = PID).
[51] LbAt - LBA time
When [55] Cont = PID
Range: •
oFF = LBA not used;
1... 9999 seconds.
[52] LbSt - Delta measure used by LBA during
Soft start
When [51] LbAt is different from oFF
Range: •
oFF = loop break alarm is inhibit during soft start
1... 9999 engineering units.
[53] LbAS - Delta measure used by loop break
alarm (loop break alarm step)
when [51] LbAt is different from oFF
From 1 to 9999 engineering units.