Ascotel® IntelliGate® 2025/2045/2065 as of I7.9
– I7.
– 1
When upgrading older systems whose passwords do not comply with
these rules, you will be prompted to change the passwords the first
time you access the configuration of the upgraded system.
5. 3. 2. 3
Change password
Any user who is assigned the "
User Access Control
" administration right is author-
ized to change the passwords of all the user accounts. It is therefore advisable to as-
sign this administration right restrictively.
Users whose password has been changed are prompted to enter their newly as-
signed password the next time they log in. The same applies to users whose ac-
counts have been newly created.
Users without the administration right "
User access control
" can only change their
own password.
5. 3. 2. 4
Incorrect password
After 15 failed login attempts using incorrect passwords the corresponding user ac-
count is blocked; it can then only be reactivated by a user with the "
User Access Con-
" administration right. He then replaces the old password with a new one. The
next time he logs in, the corresponding user is prompted to change the password
and enter the new one he has been assigned.
5. 3. 2. 5
Lost password
As long as one user who has been assigned the "
User Access Control
" administration
right can still log in, he can simply overwrite with a new password the password
lost by the other user. The next time he logs in, the corresponding user is prompted
to change the password and enter the new one he has been assigned. If the pass-
words of all "Administrators" are lost and if password-free access using an operat-
ing system name (auto login) is no longer possible either, it is possible to access lo-
cally without a password (see
"Password-free access", page 169
5. 3. 3
Access using the System Assistant on the Office 45
The System Assistant on the Office 45 has access to the menus with "
level. The user account under which he logs in must be assigned an authorization