Ascotel® IntelliGate® 2025/2045/2065 as of I7.9
Expansion Stages and System Limits
– I7.
– 1
3. 4
Power supplies
3. 4. 1
Power supply module
In addition to the power supply via the 230 V mains network an optional DC power
supply module UPS-12V is also available for an uninterrupted power supply from a
12V buffer or central battery.
Each system can be complemented with a power supply module. This does not
take up an expansion slot.
3. 4. 2
Auxiliary Terminal Power Supply (ATPS)
The external Auxiliary Terminal Power Supply (ATPS) is used to increase the supply
power available for the terminals. It is required only for system expansions with a
many terminals with high power requirements (e.g. a large number of DECT radio
units without their own power supplies) (see also
"Power supply-related limits",
The ATPS power supply unit is powered by the 230 V mains.
It is not possible to use ATPS and a DC supply module at the same time. An external
UPS or an inverter is required to be able to ensure uninterruptible operation when
using an ATPS system.