Heating Control
Water Temperature Measurement and Heating Control
The high-accuracy electronic thermometer is used to measure water
temperature. This should be installed to the inlet pipe coming from the pool.
Never mount it downstream of the heat exchanger. Signifi cant distortion of
temperature occurs. When temperature drops below the required value, the
relay switches on your heat source (heat pump, electric heating, gas boiler
circulating pump).
Smart Heating
Heating Control Function Takes Priority over Filtration Control
If you select the temperature control to take priority over the fi ltration timer,
heating as well as the circulating pump will be in operation even after the
adjusted fi ltering time has elapsed. The pump will stop only after the required
temperature has been achieved.
Heating Time Adjustment
This function allows to adjust day time for which heating will be in operation.
This is particularly useful for switching on the heat pumps that have a higher
effi ciency during the day when outdoor temperature is higher, eventually to
eliminate the time when noise from heat pump disturbs you neighbor.
Heating at Outdoor Temperature (above or below)
This function allows to adjust outdoor air temperature at which or below
which ASIN AQUA Oxygen starts heating. This function requires installation
of the
outdoor air thermometer
#8953. This function is useful to control
eff ectiveness of air heat pumps eventually to eliminate heating when you do not
use the pool.
Freeze Protection
To enable this function is necessary to install
outdoor air thermometer
After the freeze protection has been enabled, ASIN AQUA Oxygen checks
outdoor temperature. If outdoor temperature is lower than 0 °C, fi ltration
is switched on to circulate the pool water. After 15 minutes will ASIN AQUA
Oxygen measure temperature of the pool water.
If the pool water temperature drops below the value set in the freeze
protection menu (4°C), ASIN AQUA Oxygen will continue fi ltering and switch
on the pool water heating. After the required freeze protection temperature
has been reached, heating and fi ltering will stop.
If outdoor temperature stay below zero, fi ltering will start in 6 hours again for
15 minutes in order to control water temperature.