Pairing and communicating with
Asema E
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2. Pairing and communicating with
Asema E
In order for the Asema E to communicate with the Asema M series meters, they need to be paired
first. After pairing the Asema E can receive power measurement data in an encrypted format for
maximum privacy and security. Pairing can be done either using the touchscreen of the Asema E,
or in the WebView.
2.1. Pairing the meter
To pair the meter with Asema E, first enter the Main setup. Then proceed as follows.
1. At the main setup go to Appliances->Central Meter.
2. Click “Detect”. The Asema E will now scan all compatible meters which are not yet paired. This
can take a few seconds. Once a meter is found, you will be prompted to accept it.
3. Once you have accepted the meter, a form will appear showing its details with default fields
prefilled. Edit the values as appropriate or simply leave the default values.
4. You're done! Once you leave the form, pairing will take place automatically and your settings
are stored.
2.2. Test reading with radio quality measurement
To make sure your Asema M series meter works without problems, it is recommended to take a
test reading from it. Enter the Central Meter menu in the Main Setup and press the "Test" button.
This will attempt to read the current measured value from the meter. You will be shown the radio
quality statistics as well as whether the test reading was successful.
If the test fails
1. Ensure that the Asema M meter is still connected to the mains power and within radio range.
2. Observe the radio quality statistics. If the signal quality is under 20% or packet loss is excessive
(over 30), you are likely to have trouble operating the unit.
2.3. Removing the meter
If you want to remove the Asema M meter from the system, proceed as follows:
1. Enter the Central Meter setup either on Asema E touchscreen or in the WebView.
2. Click/tap on the "Delete" button to start the unpairing process.
3. Wait until the process is done and you get a confirmation. You're done removing the meter.
If for some reason the unpairing process fails despite retrying it a couple of times, you can still
remove the meter. Click/tap on the "Advanced" button, read the warning concerning resetting the
meter and use the delete function here to remove the meter without resetting it. Note that you
will need to manually reset the meter to be able to pair it again. See for Section 2.4, “Resetting
the meter” details.