Asentria SiteBoss 571 UserManual
Page 31
: Settings previously in this menu (Include Data and Time, Include Site Name, Include Sensor ID, Include
User Defined Name and Include User Defined State) have been moved to the Alarm/Event Definitions/Event
Message Settings menu because these settings now apply to more actions than SNMP traps.
Security Method
This option toggles between MD5-DES and SHA-AES to controls whether MD5 and DES, or SHA-1 and AES, are
used for authentication and privacy, respectively, for SNMPv3 get/set/trap operations. The default setting is MD5-
Security Name
This option is for inputting the authentication name for SNMPv3 operations (maximum Length 31 characters).
Security Password
This option is for inputting the authentication password for SNMPv3 operations. This field is required to be set to a
minimum of 8 characters and 31 characters maximum.
SNMP Poll displays a menu which is used to enable and configure the SNMP Polling feature. The SNMP Polling
feature allows a SiteBoss to query other devices using SNMP.
Trap Settings
This menu is used to configure whether to send authentication failure traps and notification settings.
SiteBoss 571 - Trap Settings
A) Authentication Failure Traps [OFF]
B) Notification Attempts (0=infinite) [5]
C) Notification Timeout (seconds) [60]
D) Notification Cycles (0=infinite) [10]
E) Notification Snooze Period (minutes) [60]
F) Notification Security Name []
G) Notification Security Password [********]
Authentication Failure Traps
This is an ON/OFF toggle to enable the sending of authentication traps, which are notifications of invalid
community name usage in SNMP operations. The default setting is OFF.
Notification Attempts
This option sets the number of attempts (1 to 65535) of sending a notification (trap/inform) per cycle (that is, the
initial a retries). If this is 0 then there is 1 infinite cycle. The default setting is 5.
Notification Timeout
This field sets the number of seconds (3 to 60) between two attempts to send an SNMP notification in the same
cycle. The default setting is 60.
Notification Cycles
The Notification Cycles field sets the maximum number of cycles (0 to 60) to try per notification action, where one
notification action corresponds to one "inform" keyword in an action list for an event. A cycle is a set of notification
attempts delimited by a successful action delivery or snooze period. The default setting is 10.
Notification Snooze Period
This option sets the time in minutes (1 to 1440) between two SNMP notification cycles for any one notification
action. That is, if you have two events generate informs, each inform will have its own timeouts for retries and
cycles, and its own snooze period. The default setting is 60.
Notification Security Name / Password
When sending SNMPv3 traps, use this option to set the name and password used for authentication (maximum
length for each is 31 chars).