PURE Aquarium KIT
2) Switching-on of the day light at the switching-ON time set by the
user, with a progressive raising of the light intensity for about
30 minutes (the white and red LEDs become on; the blue LEDs
remain on).
3) Switching-off of the day light at the switching-OFF time set by
the user, with a progressive lowering of the light intensity for
about 30 minutes (the white and red LEDs switch off; the blue
LEDs remain on).
4) Complete switching-off of the blue actinic light 2 hours and 30
minutes after the switching-OFF time set by the user, with a
progressive lowering of the light intensity for about 30 minutes
(complete switching-off of the blue LEDs).
You can always turn the light on and off manually, even if the timer
is set to automatic mode.
The timer is equipped with a lock function to prevent accidental pres-
sure of the keys. Key locking is activated automatically after 3 min-
utes of inactivity. The locked status is signaled by the “bloc” message
that appears as soon as the block is activated and at each subse-
quent pressing of any keys. To remove the locked status and access
the timer functions, it is necessary to press the , and keys
quickly in sequence. Unlocking is confirmed by the appearance of
4 dashes on the clock digits for a few moments. If during the pro-
gramming phase the current time or the on/off times settings are not
completed, the lock will not activate after 3 minutes of key inactivity.
There is also a demo mode (DEMO), which simulates the complete
daily cycle in a few seconds to highlight the potential off the led
lighting system when controlled by the integrated timer
(point F).
Turning the light off manually with the button on the Timer and
turning the light off automatically at the set time do not disconnect
the lighting unit from the power supply.
aquarium timer does not need batteries. If there is a
mains power failure, the system maintains the user settings for at
least 12 hours.
A. Setting the clock time on first start up (hours and
Once the lighting unit is connected to the power supply, the timer
waits for the time to be set (it displays icon and the two hour
digits flash).
1) Set the hour by pressing to increase and to decrease the
setting. Then press to set the minutes.
2) Set the minutes by pressing to increase and to decrease
the setting. Press to confirm. The time has now been set.
If not any other programming operation is carried out, the lighting
system is pre-set to switch the day light on at 10:00 a.m. and switch
it off at 6:00 p.m. according to pre-set ramps. Therefore the blue light
will switch on at 08:00 a.m. and will switch off completely at 8:30 p.m.
To set the on/off times to your preference or to set the only manual
mode, refer to point
B. Manual mode
By pressing the key it is possible to switch on in sequence the
day light ( icon on), the actinic blue light ( icon on) and to switch
off the light completely.
C. Programming the automatic light on/off times
CAUTION: For a correct execution of the daily cycle, the time frame
between the switching-ON time and switching-OFF time set by the
user should not exceed 19 hours and 30 minutes.
1) Unlock the timer by pressing the , and keys quickly
in sequence.
2) Hold down button until the text “light” displays (wait for the
countdown 3..2..1
“light” to terminate).
3) The time digits will now display “Auto” and icons and will
flash. To set the only manual mode, press until the text “man”
displays. Confirm by pressing .
4) Once you have set automatic mode “auto”, icon and the hour
digits will flash. Set the on time (hour and minutes) in same way
as for the clock time (points 1 and 2, par. A).
5) Once you have set the on time, icon and the hour digits will
flash. Set the off time (hour and minutes) in same way as for the
clock time (points 1 and 2, par. A).
6) Once you have finished, the timer will display the clock time
7) The timer is now programmed to run the automatic daily light
cycle, as indicated at the start of this chapter.
D. Changing the clock time (hours and minutes)
If you need to change the clock time, proceed as follows:
1) Unlock the timer by pressing the , and keys quickly
in sequence.
2) Press and hold down until the clock digits display “time” (you
must wait for 2 countdowns to complete: 3..2..1
3) The icon and the hour digits will flash: set the clock time
(hours and minutes) as indicated in par. A.
E. Turning the RFT function on and off
The RFT is on by default (On). To turn it on/off, proceed as follows:
1) Unlock the timer by pressing the , and keys quickly
in sequence.
2) Press and hold down until the clock digits display “RFT” (you
must wait for 3 countdowns to complete: 3..2..1
3) The clock digits display “On” and icon flashes; press to
deactivate (OFF) or activate (ON) the RFT function. Confirm by
pressing .
4) Once you have finished, the timer will display the clock time
When the RFT function is on, the timer will flash every 15 days to
remind you to do scheduled maintenance. To reset the indication,
press .