of Gateway use 2 RTP ports)
4.2.12 [security]
This is the authentication for the SIP account.
usr/config$ line
Secuirty information and configuration
security [-name username] [-password password]
security -print
-print Display system account information and configuration.
-line Specify which line number you want to set the account.
-name Specify user name.
-password Specify password.
security -line 1 -name kkk -password 12345
Parameter Usages:
print out all current settings of security.
the line number, which you want to define the security info
-name the name is as same as the SIP number.
the password for the authentication if it is the necessary for
the proxy.
4.2.13 [line]
This command is for configure each line parameters of Gateway.
usr/config$ line
Gateway line information and configuration
line -config number [the port number]
line -print Gateway line information.
hunt Hunting group.