Temporary release
With a temporary release, the door is unlocked for passage and then locked again.
For this purpose, a release command is sent to the locking
Hi-O Technology
components. After the lapse of a configured time span sufficient for passage, the
release command is withdrawn.
If the escape route securing system has been activated, it monitors the times and
sequences. If the door is opened and held open, this is detected by the escape route
securing system after a configured time span and an alarm is triggered (Fig. 6).
If the door is opened, the escape route locking systems lock in order to catch the
closing door.
If not all
Hi-O Technology
™ escape route locking systems can lock, all escape route
locking systems are unlocked again. The locking process must then be started
again manually.
Fig. 6 :
Sequence for
temporary release
Escape Route
Securing System