Page 21
Click the saved entry at the top. Detailed information will be displayed in the bottom part of the screen. Use the
scroll bar to the right of this data to page down & see all the collected cell values. The Clear Log button will erase
all saved LTrim collections.
Accel Test
This screen will perform an acceleration test of your vehicle. First, select the start & stop speeds you wish for the
test (0-60mph in the example above). Click the down arrows to select the desired values. Then click the Start
button or press Page Up. Your current speed will read out on the screen. The test will not actually start until you
slow down to the first speed point and then accelerate. So, for instance, if you’re going 35 mph and press start, then
you can slow down to a full stop, and then accelerate when you’re ready. When the timer starts, you’ll hear a short
beep, then when you pass the second speed point there will be an alarm sound (if the sounds are not muted – see
“Muting the Sound” on page 5. Your elapsed time will be shown, in seconds, as well as your estimated horsepower.
Estimated horsepower is based on vehicle weight. You can flip over to the config screen to change this value by
pressing the Config button.
Each accel test is logged to an internal database. To view the saved accel tests, click on View Log.
Click the saved entry at the top. Detailed information will be displayed in the bottom part of the screen. The Clear
Log button will erase all saved Accel tests.