Move the cursor to PTZ SETUP (Icon highlighted when
selected), press【 】to enter into setting interface, you can setup
the parameters for each channel separately.
CHANNEL: The channel of PTZ connected.
PROTOCOL: Select the protocol of different PTZ, there are two
protocols to switch, and the default is Pelco-D.
BAUD RATE: Select the different baud rate for your PTZ, there are
1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600.
DATA BIT: There are 5, 6, 7, 8 options to select, default setting is 8.
STOP BIT: There are 1and 2 to select, the default setting is 1.
VERIFY: There are None / Odd / Even / Mark / Space to select, the
default setting is none.
ADDRESS: Fill the code of respective PTZ.
NEXT PAGE: Go to the next page is set.
APPLY : To confirm settings and save.
DEFAULT : Restore all the settings as the factory setting.