Phoenix FURY - Operation and Service Manual
Fuel Oil Atomizer
Illustration 8 – PF-Nozzle Settings
The position of the fuel oil atomizer in the nozzle affects its ability to atomize the oil. The nozzle is preset
at the factory as shown in Illustration 8. In case of variation, changing the oil atomizer nozzle position is
accomplished by the following.
To Reset the Nozzle Position, use the following steps:
1. Shut down the burner, and de-energize the burner compressed air system.
Lock-out the plant power, before working on the burner.
2. Shut off the manual oil ball valve on the burner oil train.
3. Allow enough time for the oil in the piping to cool.
4. Look at Illustration 8, to determine if the oil atomizing nozzle must be moved in or out to regain the
proper adjustment.
5. Make a note of the initial position of the oil nozzle.
6. Loosen the set screws of the set collars on the mounting plate of the Oil Gun/Pilot Assembly.
7. Move the nozzle pipes in or out to effect the required retraction or extension of the Oil Gun/Pilot
8. Once the proper positioning of the Oil Gun/Pilot Assembly is completed; Re-tighten the set screws of
the set collars on the mounting plate of the Oil Gun/Pilot Assembly.
9. Contact ASTEC Burner Systems Group for any questions about proper positioning.