After completion of the electrical and plumbing connections we recommend that
you conduct a system test to ensure all connections are working properly before
placing the unit into its final location.
Follow these steps to test the system:
1. With the drain installed, turn on the supply lines, check for leaks, and repair if
2. Turn on the main power to the unit and check that the light, exhaust fan, and
radio work and repair if necessary.
After completing the inspection tests, position the unit into its final location.
Your installation is now complete.
The unit has an exhaust fan installed in the ceiling. We recommended that you
exhaust the unit to the outside environment.
The use of the steam generator will create a large amount of steam and it is best
to exhaust this steam out of the unit and out of the bathroom. It is not
recommended that you leave this amount of warm moist heat inside of the unit or
inside of your bathroom.
If you choose to duct this unit to the outside, make sure the duct has a quick
disconnect at this point which will allow the unit to be moved for service.
The duct material needs to be resistant to warm moist air and condensati on.
Test the system prior to final installation
Installation of the exhaust duct (optional)