5.6 Set the internal filtering:
Valid range for d is 0 to 100.0%
5.7 Enable LED:
Replies with the standard acknowledge sentence ($PATC,HCHDG,ACK<CR><LF>).
Default: LED enabled.
5.8 Disable LED:
Replies with the standard acknowledge sentence ($PATC,HCHDG,ACK<CR><LF>).
Note : LED will be automatically enabled during calibration process.
5.9 Read auto-calibration status:
The response is a proprietary sentence containing a code, k, for the status:
Where k has the following values:
k=0 the last auto-calibration was successfully completed.
k=1 Resetting the calibration data to factory default was completed successfully.
k=2 The autocalibration has been aborted internally due to the rotation being too slow.
k=3 The autocalibration has been aborted internally due to the rotation being too fast.
k=4 The autocalibration has been aborted internally because of rotation inconsistency.
k=5 The autocalibration has been aborted by an external command.
5.10 Request the serial number:
A special proprietary reply sentence follows: