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from Astronomy Technologies, 680 24th

© 2009 by Astronomy Technologies

Specifications, features, and descriptions are effective 12/1/2009, but are subject to correction and/or modification without notice and/or obligation.

Scope in collimation

Scope out of collimation

Diffraction pattern

Diffraction pattern

Rough focus

Rough focus

Sharp focus

Sharp focus


Patterns have been exaggerated for clarity







 Screw 3 is loosened;

Screw 2 is tightened; Screw
1 is tightened slightly; the
resulting star motion is shown
by the center arrow


 Screws 1 and 3 are

loosened; Screw 2 is
tightened; the resulting
star motion is shown by
the arrow











 Screw 3 is loosened;

Screws 1 and 2 are tightened
evenly; the resulting star motion
is shown by the center arrow





in the illustration on the previous page. Each pair consists of

a smaller black screw and a larger chrome screw. These must

be adjusted in tandem. As you loosen one, tighten the other

in each pair to adjust the tilt of the optical axis in relation to

the secondary mirror. This procedure will require only micro-

adjustments, if any. When properly aligned you will see a

concentric outer white circle around the perimeter of your

view through the Cheshire eyepiece and all circular light and

dark elements will be concentric.

Once the optical axis has been collimated, recheck the

secondary mirror collimation and tweak as necessary, then

confirm the optical axis collimation one last time.

Star Testing:

 For optimum imaging performance, perform

a star test to confirm the accuracy of your collimation. The

star test relies on your eye and an out of focus star for

collimation, rather than a Cheshire eyepiece. Seeing conditions

will affect the end result, so it is somewhat more difficult than

collimating indoors.

Install all three extension rings between the scope’s rear

cell and the focuser. Using the 1.25” compression ring adapter,

insert an eyepiece directly into the focuser drawtube and

visually center and focus on a bright star at a reasonably high

magnification. Do not use a star diagonal in the system and

be certain that the focuser tension and drawtube lock knobs

are tightened firmly after focusing. Choose a star close to the

zenith rather than at the horizon to minimize atmospheric


The diagram at the top of the next column illustrates the

appearance of collimated (top) and out of collimation (bottom)

images of the star being examined. The top left image is the

diffraction pattern in a collimated scope. The center and right-

hand images show what the star looks like when roughly

focused and sharply focused. The bottom row of images show

the same sequence through an out-of-collimation scope.

If collimation is needed, begin by placing a bright star in

the center of a low to medium power eyepiece field (again

without using a star diagonal). Defocus the image until it is

about the apparent size of a dime or nickel held at arm’s

length. This will show the diffraction pattern, which should

look like a bull’s-eye with the circular shadow of the secondary

mirror holder in the center, as shown in the illustration in the

next column. If the shadow of the secondary is not precisely

in the center of the diffraction rings, adjust the collimating

screws to tilt the secondary mirror until the shadow of the

secondary is centered in the diffraction pattern and the

diffraction rings are concentric.

Always make adjustments to the collimating screws in tiny

increments, only a fraction of a turn at a time. The image of

the secondary shadow will move in the direction of the

collimating screw that is being tightened. If the secondary

shadow needs to be shifted in a direction between two screws,

those two must be tightened to make the image shift in that

direction, while the single screw on the opposite side should

be loosened. As each adjustment is made, the secondary

shadow will move off center. Recenter the star’s image in the

field before making the next adjustment. You need to keep

the star precisely centered in your field of view while

collimating, which is critical to avoid false negatives.

Refer to the diagrams below, which show the direction the

star image will move when different combinations of collimating

screws are loosened and tightened. In all cases, the star image

needs to be shifted in the 3 o’clock direction. The screws that

must be adjusted depend on the orientation of the three

collimating screws in relation to the desired star movement


Repeat the collimation procedure several times, using

successively higher power eyepieces, until you are sure the

collimation is exact. Finally, after the final adjustments have

been made, make sure that all of the collimating screws are

snugged down tightly and evenly to ensure that the collimation

will hold for many trips out into the field.

Figure 3: Optical axis

out of collimation

(not to scale)

Viewing aperture is centered in

Cheshire’s reflective surface

End of optical tube

and secondary mirror

are not centered in end

of focuser drawtube
