Chapter 3: BIOS setup
Configuration options: [80x24] [80x25]
Redirect After POST
Configuration options: [Always Enable] [BootLoader]
[Always Enable]
Legacy Console Redirection is enabled for Legacy OS.
Legacy Console Redirection is disabled before booting
to Legacy OS.
3.3.10 SATA And RST Configuration
This item allows you to configure SATA device options settings.
SATA Controller(s)
Allows you to enables or disables the onboard SATA device. Configuration options:
[Disabled] [Enabled]
The following item appears only when you set
SATA Controller(s)
SATA Mode Selection
Allows you to determine how SATA controller(s) operate. Configuration options: [AHCI] [Intel
RST Premium With Intel Optane System Acceleration]
Set to [AHCI] when you want the SATA hard disk drives to use the
AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface). The AHCI allows the
onboard storage driver to enable advanced Serial ATA features that
increases storage performance on random workloads by allowing the
drive to internally optimize the order of commands.
[Intel RST Premium With
Intel Optane System
Set to [Intel RST Premium With Intel Optane System Acceleration]
when you want to create a RAID configuration from the SATA hard
disk drives.
The following items appear only when you set
SATA Mode Selection
[Intel RST
Premium With Intel Optane System Acceleration]
Sata Interrupt Selection
Allows you to select which interrupt will be available to the operating system. This
option only takes effect if SATA controller is in RAID mode. Configuration options:
[Msix] [Msi] [Legacy]