ASUS PCI-SIU2 User’s Manual
Enter the location path of the drivers A:\
Select the driver you wish to load INIA100.HAM or INIA100.DSK
and press <ENTER>
Highlight Select and modify parameters and press <ENTER>
Enter the slot number and press <F10> to continue
Highlight Save parameters and continue and press <ENTER>
Repeat steps 6 through 11 for each additional adapter installed
Device driver command line options
The ASUS device drivers support command line switches to optimize driver
performance. However, in certain situations some driver optimization may be
advantageous to system performance.
NetWare offers two means of entering command line switches. One method is
for session usage and needs to be entered each time the system is rebooted.
Load (Pathname) INIA100 [Driver Config Option]
The second method listed is for permanent installation. In startup.ncf you can
include the following statement.
Load (Pathname) INIA100 [Driver Config Option]
9. Novell NetWare Driver Installation