Pilot´s Operating Handbook of ATEC 322 Faeta LSA with Rotax 912iS engine
ATEC v.o.s. Libice nad Cidlinou, Czech Republic
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Other Restrictions
Smoking, using of mobile phone, explosives and combustible materials and movable objects
transportation are prohibited on board of the aircraft.
Labels and Markings
The aircraft shall be equipped with mandatory labels and markings. These must be placed on the
instrumental board in a visual field of pilot and must contain following information:
Identification of the aircraft
Identification label
Serial number
Empty weight
Maximum take-off weight
- Operating limits
Weight limits depending on the weight of crew, fuel and luggage
Speed limits for standard flight configurations
- Passenger Warnings
Definition of aircraft category, its airworthiness conditions and limitations
Intentional spins, stalls and aerobatics prohibition