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Dear Customer, thank you for choosing this Atlas Filtri


, product, manufactured in

The FMD-3  sludge filter is the ideal solution to resolve system issues due to particle
contamination (especially rust and sand) that form through corrosion and build-ups

during normal thermal system operation.
The magnetic filters ensure continuous boiler protection, trapping all the impurities that are in the
system, and keeping them from circulating thereby  preventing the system components from being
worn and damaged (for example, circulators and heat exchangers).


Body: Reinforced PA66 polyamide.                        Compatible liquids: Water, water + glycol.
Filtering cartridge: AISI 304 L stainless steel.         Max. operating pressure: 3 bar at 90°C
O-rings: EPDM.                                                      (43 psi at 194°F).
Discharge cap: CW 614 N - 3/4” brass.                 Operating temperature: 4÷90°C (39.2÷194°F).
Magnet: NdFeB - 4500 Gauss                                
Magnet holder: Polypropylene.
Breather / filler cap: CW 614 N brass.
Clip: Galvanised steel.
Filtration rate: 600 µm.


In the FMD-3 filter, the liquid that flows through the filtering cartridge comes into contact with the
magnet; the ferrous sludge is trapped thanks to the double effect of mechanical filtration (exerted
by the cartridge) and magnetic field (exerted by the magnet).
The effect is further amplified by varying cross-sections: the filter body has a greater diameter than
the piping so the liquid slows inside the filter and the suspended particles can be more efficiently
captured and trapped. In this way, all the magnetic (ferrous residue) and non-magnetic (algae, mud,
sand, etc.) contaminants in the system are trapped in the filter body.


- Exclusively use to treat water mains of a known quality, and in any way, only use water with a pH

between 6.5 and 9.5.


for uses different form those foreseen, it is mandatory to have technical consent of the



FMD-3 must be installed by a qualified technician.


before carrying out any installation or maintenance operation, ensure that the heating

system is isolated. 
On the return circuit, at the boiler input, install FMD-3 to protect it from all impurities present in the
system, especially in the start-up phase (Diagram A).
Ensure that suitable access is given for repair and maintenance interventions.


- Properly lubricate the O-rings (only use silicone lubricants)
- Fully insert the adjustable T fitting into the head housing and slightly rotate it (rotation facilitates

insertion) (Ref. B)

- Insert the clip into the head housing; make sure it is properly inserted in the slot of the T fitting

and the head and adjustable T fitting are perfectly coupled (Ref. C)

- FDM-3 must be installed respecting the flow direction indicated by the arrow on the coupling tee

and with the body always in the upright position; 

the FDM-3 swivel joint unit allows the filter

to be adapted to any piping inclination.

The special metal clip allows the filter to be quickly

disassembled. FDM-3 head is equipped with a threaded cap, which can be used both to vent and
load the system with protective/treatment chemical additives. It is advisable to install shut-off
valves on both filter fittings.


the FMD-3 filter contains strong magnets. 

Always pay careful attention during installation and maintenance interventions. 
Do not position the magnetic nucleus on ferrous surfaces.


use suitable protective equipment during all installation and maintenance operations.


to avoid damage due to frost, avoid installation in areas where the temperatures may

fall below 0°C.




Summary of Contents for FDM-2


Page 2: any way only use water with a pH between 6 5 and 9 5 WARNING for uses different form those foreseen it is mandatory to have technical consent of the manufacturer reseller ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION MANUAL FMD 3 must be installed by a qualified technician ATTENTION before carrying out any installation or maintenance operation ensure that the heating system is isolated On the return circuit at the...

Page 3: specific national regulations power supply installation and maintenance Installation carried out by non qualified personnel Supply water problems pressure drops mains overpressure Operational ambient temperature not suitable Unforeseen maintenance deficiencies Unauthorised modifications or interventions Use of non original spare parts Total or partial non compliance with instructions MAINTENANC...

Page 4: ...agnetic field Magnets generate an extended powerful magnetic field They can damage televisions and laptop computers credit or debit cards digital storage devices mechanical clocks hearing aids speakers and other devices Keep the magnets away from all devices and objects that could be damaged by intense magnetic fields WARNING Airplane transport Magnetic fields generated by inappropriately packaged...

Page 5: ...s entre 6 5 et 9 5 MISE EN GARDE pour toute utilisation différente par rapport aux emplois prévus l accord technique du producteur revendeur est obligatoire MANUEL DE MONTAGE ET D INSTALLATION FMD 3 doit être installé par un technicien qualifié ATTENTION avant d effectuer toute opération d installation ou d entretien s assurer que l installation de chauffage soit isolée Installer FMD 3 sur le circ...

Page 6: ...sous Utilisation impropre de l appareil Utilisation contraire aux réglementations nationales spécifiques alimentation installation et entretien Installation exécutée par un personnel non autorisé Problèmes avec l eau d alimentation sautes de pression surpressions de réseau Température non adéquate de l environnement de fonctionnement Lacunes concernant l entretien prévu Modifications ou interventi...

Page 7: ...s s approcher des aimants ATTENTION Champ magnétique Les aimants génèrent un champ magnétique étendu et puissant Ils peuvent endommager les téléviseurs et ordinateurs portables les cartes de crédit les supports informatiques les montres mécaniques les appareils auditifs les haut parleurs et d autres dispositifs Gardez les aimants loin de tous les appareils et objets pouvant être endommagés par des...

Page 8: ...wasser mit einer bekannten Qualität verwenden und nur für Wasser mit einem pH Wert zwischen 6 5 und 9 5 HINWEIS Wenn der Filter für andere Zwecke als den angegeben verwendet werden soll ist eine Genehmigung seitens des Technikers des Herstellers bzw Händlers erforderlich MONTAGE UND INSTALLATIONSHANDBUCH FMD 3 muss von einem ausgebildeten Techniker installiert werden ACHTUNG Vor allen Installation...

Page 9: ...sachgemäß oder nicht den Bedienungsanweisungen entsprechend verwendet oder verändert wird In folgenden Fällen lehnt der Hersteller die Haftung ab Unsachgemäße Verwendung des Gerätes Verwendung entgegen der spezifischen lokalen Vorschriften Zuläufe Installation und Wartung Installation durch nicht befugtes Personal Störungen am Wasserzulauf Druckschwankungen Überdruck im Netz Nicht angemessene Umge...

Page 10: ...iner Annäherung an den Magneten gewarnt werden ACHTUNG Magnetfeld Die Magnete erzeugen ein großflächiges und starkes Magnetfeld Sie können Fernseher und Laptops Kredit und Bankomatkarten Datenträger mechanische Uhren akustische Geräte Lautsprecher und andere Vorrichtungen beschädigen Die Magneten sind außerhalb der Reichweite aller Geräte und Gegenstände zu halten die durch starke Magnetfelder bes...

Page 11: ... pH de entre 6 5 y 9 5 ADVERTENCIA para usos distintos de los previstos es obligatoria la autorización técnica del fabricante revendedor MANUAL DE MONTAJE E INSTALACIÓN FMD 3 debe ser instalado por un técnico cualificado ATENCIÓN antes de realizar cualquier operación de instalación o mantenimiento asegúrese de que la instalación de calefacción esté aislada Instalar FMD 3 en el circuito de retorno ...

Page 12: ...males o cosas El fabricante se exime de toda responsabilidad en los casos específicos que se citan a continuación Uso impropio del aparato Uso contrario a las normativas nacionales específicas alimentaciones instalación y mantenimiento Instalación realizada por personal no autorizado Problemas en el agua de alimentación cambios de presión sobrepresiones de red Temperatura del medio ambiente de fun...

Page 13: ...miento de los marcapasos y de los desfibriladores implantados Si es portador de uno de estos dispositivos manténgase a una distancia de seguridad mínima respecto de los imanes de 30 cm Advierta a los portadores de estos dispositivos que no se acerquen a los imanes ATENCIÓN Campo magnético Los imanes generan un campo magnético extenso y potente Pueden estropear televisores y ordenadores portátiles ...

Page 14: ...иного использования отличных от предусмотренных обязательным является разрешения технического специалиста от производителя посредника РУКОВОДСТВО ПО МОНТАЖУ И УСТАНОВКЕ FDM 2 должен быть установлен квалифицированным специалистом ВНИМАНИЕ перед тем как выполнять какие либо действия по установке и техническому обслуживанию убедитесь что система нагрева изолирована Установите FDM 2 на возвратном конт...

Page 15: ...ование которое противоречит нормативам в стране применения питание установка и техническое обслуживание Установка выполнена неквалифицированным персоналом Проблемы с питающей водой перепады давления избыточное давление в сети Несоответствующая температура рабочей среды Халатность при проведении технического обслуживания Изменения или вмешательство выполненные без разрешения Использование не оригин...

Page 16: ...там ВНИМАНИЕ Магнитное поле Магниты создают в пространстве мощное магнитное поле Они могут спровоцировать повреждение телевизоров портативных компьютеров кредитных и дебетовых карт электронных носителей информации механических часов слуховых аппаратов динамиков и других устройств Храните магниты вдали от всех приборов и предметов которым мощное магнитное поле может нанести вред ВНИМАНИЕ Отправка с...

Page 17: ...ntre 6 5 e 9 5 AVISO para fins diversos daqueles previstos é obrigatório dispor da permissão técnica do fabricante revendedor MANUAL DE MONTAGEM E INSTALAÇÃO FDM 2 deve ser instalado por um técnico qualificado ATENÇÃO antes de efetuar qualquer operação de instalação ou manutenção certificar se de que o sistema de aquecimento esteja isolado Instalar FDM 2 no circuito de retorno na entrada da caldei...

Page 18: ...alimentação instalação e manutenção Instalação realizada por pessoal não autorizado Problemas na água de alimentação alterações de pressão sobrepressão da rede Temperatura do ambiente de trabalho não idónea Deficiências na manutenção programada Modificações ou intervenções não autorizadas Uso de peças de reposição não originais Inobservância total ou parcial das instruções MANUAL DE MANUTENÇÃO LIM...

Page 19: ...s geram um campo magnético extenso e potente Podem danificar televisores e computadores portáteis cartões de crédito e de banco suportes informáticos relógios mecânicos aparelhos acústicos alto falantes e outros dispositivos Manter os ímanes longe de todos os aparelhos e objetos que podem ser danificados pelos campos magnéticos intensos ATENÇÃO Transporte aéreo Os campos magnéticos gerados pelos í...

Page 20: ...trante Filternetz Red filtrante Фильтрующая сетка Tela filtrante Clip Clip fourche de blocage Clip befestigungsgabel Clip horquilla de bloqueo Блокировочный зажим шпилька Clip forquilha de bloqueio Magnet Aimant Magnet Imán Магнит Magneto Cover with o ring Couvercle avec joint torique Deckel mit O Ring Tapa con junta tórica Kрышка с уплотнительным кольцом Tampa com o ring Breather filler cap Bouch...
