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Provox® FreeHands FlexiVoice™
The Provox FreeHands FlexiVoice is both a speaking valve and a heat and moisture exchanger
(HME). It allows you the flexibility of speaking either hands-free or with manual occlusion
depending on your situation. There are three speaking valves - each having different strengths.
You can tell the difference between the valves by the number of dots on the top of the strength
membranes. For example: light (one dot), medium (two dots) and strong (three dots).
Steps to choosing the appropriate valve strength:
1) Snap the Provox® FreeHands HME® to the medium FlexiVoice valve (two dots);
2) Push your air forward against the valve and say “ahhhhh;”
a. If it is too hard to close the valve, try the light FlexiVoice valve (one dot)
b. If it closes too easily while breathing at rest, try the strong FlexiVoice valve (three dots)
While exercising, you may need to use a stronger membrane or turn the automatic
speaking valve mode to off.
3) Practice turning off the automatic speaking valve mode by turning the valve as you breathe in
or when holding your breath. This assures that the hook is able to meet the loop on the valve. In
this mode, you can still speak by placing your finger over the opening on the valve.
4) Practice manually occluding the valve by placing your finger or thumb over the opening of
the valve. Be sure not to press too hard.