January 2004
Details of Operation
1. Validator power up
a. The Service LED near the DIP-switch lights up.
b. The validator stepper motor is initiated and runs
for approx. 2 seconds.
c. The stacker motor makes 2 or 3 cycles.
d. The CPU verifies that a stacker is attached.
(If the stacker is missing the CPU inhibits the
unit and sends a message to the host machine
stating the malfunction).
e. The CPU enters idle mode.
(Waiting for the Front Optical Sensors to indi-
cate that a bill is being inserted).
2. Front Sensor activation
a. Once a bill has past the Front Optical Sensors,
the validator starts the stepper motor and draws
the bill into the channel.
b. The bill passes the main optics window and the
mag head.
c. The CPU collects and analyses the optical and
magnetic data.
d. The collected data is then compared with a known
data base to determine validity and denomination
of the bill.
3. Acceptance Routine
a. If the bill is determined to be valid the CPU con-
tinues in the sensor checking mode.
b. The rear channel flag is activated. This flag is used
to signal the microprocessor that the bill has left
the channel and determine the length of the bill
for validation.
c. After the bill has passed the Side-Looking Sen-
sor the motor is reversed to see if any foreign
material is attached to the bill.
d. Once past the flag switch (Rear Optics), the bill
enters the stacker and cannot be pulled out.
Service LED